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Windows C drive problem...

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    Windows C drive problem...

    I have a consistent problem with all of my Windows installs, that being that after a while my C drive fills up for no reason. I dont install any new software (and if I do it goes to a separate drive) and I run CrapCleaner to remove all of the temp files that build up over time.

    Still this problem bothers me. I am down to my last 200 megs on a 10Gig Xp install. Anyone have an ideas?

    When you search, what large files show up? Could be that your recycle bin setting is too high, right click/properties it and see what % its set to. Whats your pagefile set to? If you can identify what the biggest files are then I expect we can sort it out.


      Treesize is a brilliant free application, lists all folders/files on your drives and shows how large they are

      CNET Download provides free downloads for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android devices across all categories of software and apps, including security, utilities, games, video and browsers


        I Treesize


          Innit I love TreeSize. I also use as it lets me see the sizes of folders without launching a separate application. Would be better if it did not keep recalculating folder sizes so often.

          Anyhow, I used treesize and found that I had about 2 gig worth of temp files . booted in to linux and deleted them as Win was saying that some apps were still using them and I could not be arsed to mess with which apps use which.

          Cheers guys.


            jdiskreport is wicked too, you can even java webstart it so it doesnt need to be installed

            all it needs is a JRE


              The problem is still there I am gonna have to restore the image I made some time tonight.

              I am not sure what is causing it but some mystery process is writing files to my temp drive and filling it up with garbage in the space of an hour or less, Even after a straight reboot I have run spybot and adaware but both found nothing.

              I would be curious to find out how I would locate what is doing this if possible. Thanks.


                Download Memtest86, burn to an ISO then leave it running and see if it pops up any errors with your system ram.

                Wouldn't be suprised if there's a faulty stick or something and Windows deciding to use Hog Virtual Memory


                  The hidden automated backups Windows system restore makes on C: can get pretty large.

