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netgear dg834g import ds lite wifi probs

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    netgear dg834g import ds lite wifi probs

    Ok here goes just got my lite from auzzie land, went to fire up tetris for some online battle and my lite cant connect to my router. It finds it straight away but just wont connect at all. i have tried everything i can think of anyone throw me a bone.

    That router connects to the original DS no problems, have you had one running before?

    If you havent it may be a problem with a firewall (unloikely for thsi router), or maybe its just the Tetris server taking a break at the mo.


      I had orginal ds connected along time ago, but i also had a usa ds i couldnt get to connect to it. I disabled my firewall but still no luck.


        try setting a static IP for your DS, and using a BSD based ping tool to ping the IP of your DS 10 times a second (every 0.1 seconds), (windows ping tool is not man enough for the job and doesnt offer 0.1 second timing)

        you might find it lowers the connection bandwidth enough, to around 2mbit for the ds to connect to WFC fine.

        theres another thread I made about the exact same problem I had, and how I use it now, in this section. It may not work for all routers but its worth a try. turned my nintendo rated 0/5 for compatibility router, into a fully working router.

        could give it a try at least if you have the tools


          It's also worth upgrading your router's firmware to the latest version if you haven't already done so.

          I have the same router as you (mine is version 2) & had problems connecting my DS to it. I was using the default firmware & couldn't connect no matter what i tried. However, as soon as I updated the firmware it connected 1st time without any probs.


            I've been having a similar problem actually (I have a Netgear WG602v3). My DS connected fine, then when I got my Lite and transferred the wireless settings directly onto it it just won't connect. I've pretty much given up on it now.


              We have a DG834G v2 and had exactly the same issue with both flavours of DS.
              Solution was to enable broadcast of SSID in the router settings.

              Haven't tried a firmware update for ages, looks like it might be worthwhile!


                I'm running the latest firmware but still had to broadcast my SSID.



                  So the Lite obviously uses different wireless cards.

                  May not bother with one til people find a solution to this as this is the router everyone uses for the DS. BOOOO


                    My SSID has always been broadcasting.

                    It's weird - the Lite finds the network, asks for the WEP key which I enter (yes, I've double and triple checked it), and then when it goes to the next screen where it establishes the connection where the little signal indicator is red and showing no bars. I checked the error code that it gives on the Nintendo Wi-Fi site and that says that it's a problem with the WEP but again I'm 100% sure that I've entered the key right.


                      I had problems initially connecting my american ds to my dg834g. Updating the firmware to the latest release fixed the problem. If you do decide to update the firmware then backup your config first in case it corrupts your current settings.

