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Computer in Hibernation

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    Computer in Hibernation

    Sorry that this is an incredibly vague question but I have limited knowledge of this problem.

    My step-mum has turned her laptop on this morning and has the message that the computer is in hibernation and asking for a password.

    As far as I can gather, no password has ever been set up for the computer (she is the only one that uses it) and apparantly pressing return without entering a password isn't working.

    My Dad may have done something to it but he has buggered off to Germany for the world cup so I've been charged with fixing it remotely but she hasn't got a clue about computers.

    Any easy way around this?

    What OS is it? Chances are she can just click on cancel (if its win 98) and it will bypass that logon box. If its XP then its another matter.


      It'll be XP I think as it is only 6 weeks old.


        If they have no unsaved work, ask them to hold the power button for 5-10 secs to power it off completely, then reboot - assuming that nothing strange has been done with their account/password, they should be able to log in.

