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Dead or Alive 4 disconnecting after 5 minutes

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    Dead or Alive 4 disconnecting after 5 minutes

    I'm getting angry . Everytime I play Dead or Alive 4 online, my profile disconnects from Live after about 5 minutes. Is this a known problem anyone in the world has had?

    My other Live games, BFMC, GRAW and Table Tennis work fine

    I use the official 360 Wireless Adapter to connect to xbox live.

    Any ideas?

    Never, ever had that problem in fact I don't think I've ever been disconnected from a game whilst playing - Lag and Bringing up the guide yes but never an involuntary disconnect - Sounds like it doesn't like your router have you tried bypassing it and connecting your 360 directly with a cable just to check ?


      Strange that the other games work fine. Will try wiring it up directly later.


        Tried a direct wired connect and I didn't get kicked from Live for the 20-30 mins I played DoA4 for.

        So, I'm guessing it's time for a new Wireless DSL router... any suggestions please?


          Do the 360 network test and see what NAT setting you get, if it says moderate or strict, that could be your problem.


            I get Open for NAT.

