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IGN Slow Download Speeds?

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    IGN Slow Download Speeds?

    I can only ever get a download speed from IGN of around 90kb/s. Never higher, it starts higher then falls down to 90 all the time.This has always been the case for me on my old 2Mb/s connections and my new 10Mb/s which is most annoying when I should be able to download at 12 times that speed!
    I am an IGN Insider and use it all the time so this really sucks and has been annoying me for years now!

    It happens on any computer I use in the house and even when I use my neighbours connection (when I connect to it wirelessly ), its the same!

    Anyone else in the same boat? Or know how to fix it?

    Whilst you may have 10meg line, bear in mind you are still at the mercy of the servers you are connecting to which may limit throughput per user etc.

    If you can find an example link, Ill try downloading it also (ive 10mb too) and Ill let you know the speeds I get.

    Also try this -

    I got

    Downstream 9,070.6 Kbps ( = 8.9 Mbps )
    Upstream 475.3 Kbps ( = 0.5 Mbps )

    At peak time which isnt too bad.



      Try that, sits around 110kb/s for me right now.

      Everything else I download from goes alot faster and I get full speed from Usenet going at 1200kb/s so I know the connection at my side is fine.

      Just want to know if IGN limit everyone to that slow a speed, if so, they suck ass!

