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Xbox Crimson Sea: Ending?

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    Xbox Crimson Sea: Ending?

    I just finished the game on Standard mode to be prompted to save my game, and then I was chucked back to the title screen. WTF? No ending?!?

    Bit of a letdown after such a cool game, and the last boss fight was quite a struggle, to then be greeted with the title screen ft:

    Can someone please tell me if there is an ending after the last boss?

    Hasnt anyone played and completed this game or something? 31 views, and not one reply


      I bought it.
      I finished it.
      I took it back.

      Is'nt there some sort of crimson mode that appears in the start menu once you've finished the game, I reckon if you finish it again on crimson mode you might be treated to a lame ending to a lame game.
      Sorry but I hate that game

