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How do I connect my DS Lite over Wifi?

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    How do I connect my DS Lite over Wifi?

    Hi everyone,
    I've been stuck on this for 4 hours now! The DS keeps finding my PC's wireless 3com modem/router/access point no problem. It finds the SSID and I put in the 64bit WEP key (observing case sensitive rules at all times) on auto obtain IP and DNS it comes up with error code 52001 (unable to obtain IP address) it then says check your DHCP settings - this is where I get lost! I've tried putting in various things from my routers status page and then it says error code 52100 - connecte to access point but not to server. I'm this close to tearing my hair out GAH! I would be eternally grateful if you could help?

    52100 means your firewall is blocking your connection to Nintendo. If you have a software firewall you should try turning the settings down or creating a rule to allow Nintendo connections (I use Zone Alarm and all I had to do was turn it to medium).

    If the firewall is in your router, and that's unlikely unless it's a top-of-the-range one, it may not be compatible with Nintendo WiFi. There's a list of workarounds and compatible routers etc over at

    Hope that helps
    Last edited by MattyD; 26-06-2006, 19:27.


      Hi MattyD,
      Thanks for replying so fast! Awesome... All my firewalls (software and hardware) are off at the moment while i'm trying to get connected! Now it's coming up with error 52101 (connected to Access point but not to Nintendos server). I will look at the weblink you posted - thanks again!


        have you checked if your 3com router is on the supported list and it has the relevant firmware installed?
        This might save you a lot of grief.



          Buy yourself a USB dongle thingy - easiest answer - I had this problem wtih my piece of **** router too - the PSP works a treat, the DS hates it.


            I use the dongle myself, it is much easier, but if you're willing to persist there's a special set of step-by-step instructions for specific routers at this page. 3com are apparently the best brand for use with the DS so your model should be on there somewhere.


              I was getting a 52001 error on my new Speedtouch 585, DS was finding the router but couldn't get out. To solve it, edit your connection settings and manually set your primary and secondary DNS servers, works fine after that.

