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King Of Fighters PS2 Prog-scan?

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    King Of Fighters PS2 Prog-scan?

    Hello there. New to the boards and I was hoping that you knowledgable types could answer my question so here goes:

    Do any of the Jap PS2 conversions of King Of Fighters support 480p display?

    Really I'm looking at KOF 2003, KOF XI & Neo Geo Battle Coliseum. Some of the earlier games (2000 - 2002) I have on Dreamcast looking very nice through VGA but seeing as the above 3 won't see DC conversions it looks like PS2 is my only option (my Xbox is too recent a bios so I can't take advantage of soft modding unless anyone knows a way but that's another request).

    Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks again.