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New laptop help

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    Segages- I've been leaning towards a MacBook, too now, since trying out a friend's iBook (so light and quiet). In comparison, my Dell Inspiron is a heavy momma and sounds like it's going to rocket off whenever I power it up. Course, Bootcamp was the main turning point, but when I looked for performances, I only ever found info on Bootcamped games running PowerBooks (EDIT - I mean MacBook Pros), rather than MacBooks.

    That COD2 runs ok on it sounds very promising! I can probably live without HDR and other fancy effects, but would you have any other game examples? Far Cry? Half Life 2? 16-bit Emulators? Even Oblivion!? First couple are not recent picks, but then I?m not looking to run the latest and greatest?

    EDIT: I'm guessing the current MacBook just came out. Any ideas when the next iteration might come out? I'm hoping for an integrated Bootcamp into th OS and HD DVD drive... or were they going BluRay?
    Last edited by Purpledump; 19-07-2006, 09:53.

