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GRAW or Battlefied on the 360 ?

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    GRAW or Battlefied on the 360 ?

    Looking to get either of these two but wanted to see which you guys used the most and which you thought was the better buy ?

    Single player - has to be GRAW, it's fantastic.
    Multiplayer - Battlefield is awesome.

    Don't underestimate how utterly ****e BF2's single player game is. It's like a completely different game... and a terrible one at that.


      Didn't think single player was that bad.

      If you've got Live then BF2 is the only choice in my view. I've got GRAW and do like it but given the choice of only one it would be BF2.


        When compared to the multiplayer it's a completely different (and highly inferior) game! The graphics are rubbish. The whole game is set at night to hid just how bad the graphics are. It's like it was designed as a multiplayer game only, and then at the last minute they were told they better bolt on a single player game.

        In single player it is horrible.


          We talking about the same game?? A fair few day levels on the BF2 single player. I enjoyed it and some of the later levels are pretty tough.


            I and most of the people I play it online with just found the single player appalling. I just can't swallow going back to it even for the achievements.


              I found BF2 online initially enjoyable, but ultimately shallow and poorly implemented.

              For both single and mulitplayer I'd go for GRAW. Online it's my most played 360 game by far.


                Originally posted by Chain
                I found BF2 online initially enjoyable, but ultimately shallow and poorly implemented.

                For both single and mulitplayer I'd go for GRAW. Online it's my most played 360 game by far.
                I pretty much agree with that (except GRAW's my second most played game).

                The thing that eventually lead me to trading in BF2 was the lack of co-operation in multiplayer. It wasn't so bad with folk I knew but you can't create private sessions. Other people seemed far more interested in playing rambo style, which I think was a result of the way points were handed out.


                  Originally posted by Bada Bing!
                  I and most of the people I play it online with just found the single player appalling. I just can't swallow going back to it even for the achievements.
                  Each to their own. However, to say the whole single player was set at night was a load of rubbish.


                    BF2 -I pretty much lived on that Backstab map for a while. Most fun I've had on-line so far.

                    If your not playing on-line then GRAW - but its solid. I prefer the more arcady fun BF2 offers. Flying helicopters FTW!


                      BF2 is great fun online but it's hard to get together with a group of buddies and play as a team with comms - the clan thing is a nightmare.

                      GRAW is awesome online & offline - Surprised you own a 360, like these types of games and don't own it already

                      It's different on & offline but the raft of modes (co-op missions rock) and intensity at times (in the middle of a jungle with enemy approaching on 3 sides) makes it the choice for me.


                        BF2 is good fun online but it gets fairly annoying/DULL after a while that nobody ever wants to play any other maps than Backstab, a Bridge Too Far and Deadly Pass. The free-for-all nature, bad comms and dodgy physics also grate. It's great when you're playing with like-minded doods (a rarity in random public games) but more often you'll be playing with muppets who'll shoot their own teammates to get to the airstrike computer first, not support each other/capture flags and stand around looking gormless whilst some 1337 helo twunt on the other side circles above the last friendly spawn point and gets 105 kills.


                          You know Anephric, that about sums up why I sold the game. At times it was great, but the more I played the more I wanted to slam my head against the wall. I really hope the PC sequel makes it to the 360 intact.


                            So is GRAW the consensus, if so I'll buy a copy this week. Is there a thread with the gamertags of the guys from here who play online ?

                            Where is the best place to get a copy, I've seen it for ?39.99 ?


                              You can pick it up second hand on these forums for around ?20 mate.

