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Xbox 360.... tell me about it?

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    Xbox 360.... tell me about it?

    Hi there.
    I have ?250 in vouchers to spend in argos so i was thinking of getting a Xbox 360. Do you think it's worth waiting till November when they might cut the price?

    Also what games and accessories should I try to get?
    I am torn between the 360 and PC version of oblivion....

    Sorry more questions...
    How much will i be looking to pay for a years sub to xbox live? Does it need a credit card?

    One last Q.
    When and how much will the HD dvd addon be out at/for?

    Microsoft have gone on record and stated no price cut in 2006
    i say buy one when you can xmas they will be major sellers


      1) Depends with Oblivion. If you've got a capable PC, in light of the mod scene, it might be the way to go. If you just want to settle back and play it on TV sitting on a couch at a high graphical level, with the game (in my opinion) primarily designed around accomodating the 360 pad, then that's the way to go.

      2) Gold membership to Xbox Live costs ?40 per year. You don't need a credit card... you can buy susbscription membership on the high street and enter a code. Same with buying Microsoft points (for certain downloadable content).

      3) The HD-DVD unit price hasn't been announced yet, but it's been widely speculated it will launch at $200 before Christmas.


        Originally posted by Concept
        1) Depends with Oblivion. If you've got a capable PC, in light of the mod scene, it might be the way to go. If you just want to settle back and play it on TV sitting on a couch at a high graphical level, with the game (in my opinion) primarily designed around accomodating the 360 pad, then that's the way to go.

        2) Gold membership to Xbox Live costs ?40 per year. You don't need a credit card... you can buy susbscription membership on the high street and enter a code. Same with buying Microsoft points (for certain downloadable content).

        3) The HD-DVD unit price hasn't been announced yet, but it's been widely speculated it will launch at $200 before Christmas.
        dont forget you can find a xbox live code for about ?15 though


          Could you give me a nudge in the direction of these ?15 live codes? I've been paying the ?4.99 a month now for a good few months, keep forgetting to update.


            Forza Pack at TOYSRUS, ?19.99, game, headset and 12 month subs to XBL


              I know this might be easy to say, but having already played great games such as, call of duty 2, project gotham 3, tomb raider legends, for me they're the 3 most solid titles i have played, and they're are great moments in PDZ, RR6, Kameo, it really is showing great potential.

              Go for it now, and if it don't impress you, sell it on when the demand is greater near Christmas and get your money back. I know of several titles on the 360 alone that out out from now until Christmas, i wouldn't be selling mine!


                in the next few weeks we have dead rising , Saints Row and Ninenty Nine nights out too


                  I've played a fair bit of my xbox 360 this year but not because I wanted to most of the time, it's sorry to say but it's a bit of a "It's out so i might as well play it" type affair, there's been the odd exception of course, like Oblivion for single player and Battlefield 2 MC for multiplayer and of course GRAW for both rolled into one, but it's definitely getting ALOT better from september onwards, Dead Rising and Gears of War are only two of the reasons to buy one before christmas.

                  There are more like PES6, Splinter Cell Double Agent, Rainbow Six Vegas and CoD3. I'd say it's pretty much worth owning one.

                  There are a few good/cheap games on the xbox 360 which are worth grabbing, like condemned and amped 3 (for ?18 it's a laugh)

                  I'm not slagging the machine off, it's just the games haven't set me alight most of the time, I can't expect the PS3 to be any different which is why i'll be waiting before I purchase one.

                  If you enjoy arcade games then it's a great machine for it, it's been a suprise how much I have played on Xbox Live Arcade, Uno, Hexic HD, Marble Blast and many more to come (Lumines Live!!!).


                    Yeah, it's horses for courses but I have to say that the current crop of software isn't impressing me, Oblivion aside. Burnout's a case in point - the 360 version just has slightly shinier graphics, and slightly louder music and that's the archetypal 360 game in that sense. There's nothing new there and it all feels very american so if you have a problem with that you might want to go back to playing your saturn or exploring some of the amazing stuff that nintendo are sneaking out unnoticed on the gamecube like I is.

                    Think this is getting into a wider discussion though and to totally contradict myself, basically it's worth it for Oblivion alone plus the potential excitement of some of the chrimbo releases - might be a minter game on xbla soon too... Plus, you can't beat the excitement of a new system.


                      Originally posted by Crimson Day
                      dont forget you can find a xbox live code for about ?15 though
                      where from? please don't say toysrus, we dont have one in cambridge!


                        Well for me its all about the system exclusive games (and i dont count the games that are release on the pc aswell)

                        so call of duty 2/prey/oblivion would not sell me a x360 as i have the pc versions

                        Also the multi format games such as burnout even if the x360 is better you can still get a similar experience with the other format versions

                        In the end i have bought the japanese x360 for senko no ronde which looks like a awesome game but it has to be said it could have been done on any other format


                          Technically, absolutely. But without the LIVE aspect, it would've got a bit boring IMO.

