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PAL Gamecube Display Problems with NTSC Games

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    PAL Gamecube Display Problems with NTSC Games

    I have a PAL Gamecube, and I use Freeloader with it to run NTSC games fine on a 29' Sony CRT TV using composite cables. Recently, I bought a Samsung 54' projection TV (SP54R2) which has multisystem support and 100Hz natural scan & progressive scan support, and for some weird reason the same configuration stopped giving proper display for NTSC games. I receive B&W display which filckers to color every 1-2 seconds, and goes back to B&W. Sound works fine. PAL games work fine.
    I tried using the same configuration on the old TV, and it works fine. I tried attaching the composite cables to the SCART adaptor which came with the machine into the back of the TV, but I couldn't get a display. I borrowed an RF converter, and I got the same results. My machine is the old type, which has a component output, but I cannot find any component cables. I tried modding the Gamecube and trying an NTSC game using the modchip, but I got the same output. My NTSC PS2 runs both NTSC & PAL games fine on the new TV. Is it a problem with TV or do I need special cabling? My TV doesn't have manual system setting. I tried everything, but I couldn't make it display NTSC games properly....
    Can someone please help me, or at least explain why is this happening?
    Last edited by KhaldoonSaid; 23-08-2006, 12:54.

    Sounds like the TV doesn't accept PAL60.


      Is there a certain way to be sure whether my TV supports PAL60 or not? Why does my NTSC PS2 display PAL games correctly? Won't it convert the signal to PAL60?
      Is there a way to convert the signal from PAL60 to NTSC? Would a normal PAL-NTSC converter solve the problem, or is there something else to do for PAL60?
      Thanks man


        Get an RGB cable. It will then work. Stop using composite.

        Play-asia and lik-sang sell them if you can't find one in the uk. Use our banners.
        Last edited by charlesr; 23-08-2006, 13:21.


          And to answer you questions, the PS2 outputs 50hz in pal and 60hz in ntsc, whereas the GC outputs 60hz in pal60. RGB will sidestep all this and output your ntsc GC games in RGB@60hz.


            Cool, if RGB will solve my problem, then RGB it is....I've read in the forum about a modded RGB.....what is this modded RGB used for, and would it work for me? I've never used RGB, so please bare with me.....As far as I know, the RGB cable has a SCART connector, so why wouldn't my scart adaptor (which came with my GC) work after I connect the composite connectors to it? I know that composite is much lower in quality to other methods, but I couldn't find a component cable for GC, and S-Video doesn't work on PAL GCs, and scart didn't work for me . If I bought component cables, would the display work, or do I have to use RGB as the only method to solve this problem?
            Thanks again, guys.


              NTSC GC do not output RGB (the PAL GC does), so a modded rgb cable is needed for NTSC cubes. No need to worry yourself about that.

              Scart = type of connection. Nothing to do with video signal.
              Scart connections can supply multiple signal types (rather clever). Composite, svideo and RGB, depending on what is connected into them. If you connect a composite lead to a scart convertor and then into your TV, it will still only be composite coming out the other side. see? An rgb lead will end in a scart plug and your TV will notice it's supplying RGb and switch to that.

              The ideal solution is to get an NTSC cube (japan/us switch) with a component lead (hard to find these days) and throw away all your pal stuff.


                Thanks alot Charlesr....This information is really helpful. I'll buy an RGB cable from Link-Sang and see what happens.....Thanks a million


                  I just got the RGB Scart cable today from Lik-Sang, and it worked, my PAL gamecube can run NTSC games in 60Hz PAL. However, I noticed that the display in all NTSC games would kind of "move" to the left and then return to its location. This happens every 0.5 or 1 second. I can live with that, but it's a bit annoyting, and I think that I'll be needing some medical glasses after a week or so hehehhee. I tried checking my TV's settings and with the Gamecube's options, but I couldn't find anything. It's not the "corner flicker" issue here, it's the whole picture has a couple of pixels offset to the left every now and then, and then it returns to it's proper location. Does somebody know the reason for this problem, and whether there is a solution for it or not?
                  Thanks guys


                    Sounds like the auto centering in the RGB lead, try a better quality RGB lead.


                      Doesn't it have anything to do with the 100 Hz? I have no experience with these TV sets, but I'd try looking for a '50 HZ' or '60 Hz setting', sounds to me like the current frequency is a bit low compared to the actual screen (and the TV tries to compensate this?)
                      Just a guess.


                        Thanks EvilBoris.....I thought Lik-Sang provided good quality peripherals......I'll check around for a better lead....


                          As a general rule the best cables are usually the official ones from the console manufacturer. I used to use a 3rd party lead with my cube and thought it was fine, untill I tried the official Nintendo RGB cable, it's a world of difference. The picture is much more stable with better colours and less colour bleeding.


                            You can try eBay for official GC RGB SCART cables. Look for the ones that come in an official box. You should be able to pick one up for ?5-?10.


                              Thanks for the info, guys....
                              Last edited by KhaldoonSaid; 06-09-2006, 12:53.

