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Xbox outputting noisy signal...

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    Xbox outputting noisy signal...

    ...but even when its turned off

    I've got my Xbox hooked up to a scart block along with my PS2 & GC. The GC and Xbox share a Mazcatz RGB cable that has multiple connectors on the end - I just unplug it from whichever one I'm not using and stick it in the other. I turned on my Xbox the other day after a fair while (month or so) of not touching it, and the signal was all noisy - lots of white lines and stuff.

    I played around a bit, and eventually discovered that even with the Xbox turned off, switching to the Xbox channel on the scart block would produce the same white noise on the TV as when the Xbox was on. The GC is fine through the same lead though (obv. using the GC connector instead), no matter if it is off or on.

    Any ideas what could be causing it? Dodgy lead? Dodgy Xbox?
    Last edited by mrsquare; 29-08-2006, 16:23.

    What happens when the SCART block is taken out of the equation?
    I hate the things. The problems usually start and end with them.


      No change. I can plug the Xbox directly into the TV and it still happens.

      I might just try buying a cheap bog standard scart lead from Gamestation and see if that sorts it out. At least if not, I know its the console.

