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itunes irritation

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    itunes irritation

    Ok, so I reinstalled XP due to having some issues. Everything that was on the HD previously works fine, apart from itunes. When I click on the icon, the HD tries to access itunes, but nothing happens. Similarly, if I try to play a file in my music library to try and access itunes that way, the HD light comes on, HD spins, but nowt happens. Can anyone think of anything that might be causing this? All my other media programs work ok, just itunes that's not running.

    So far, I've tried reinstalling itunes, and have made sure that this is the default media program. Can't think of what else to try - any suggestions?

    When its not working, is there an Itunes process running in Task Manager?


      Don't know marcus - how do I check?


        CNTRL+ALT+DEL and select task manager, then processes. Reason I ask, is I find my Itunes never shuts down properly, Itunes.exe sits in the background using 100% of my CPU resources until I kill it manually in task manager. In my case, I think its because I have about 200GB of music in its library, although that may not be it. If its running in the background already, then windows wouldlnt be able to load it. Id also try booting into safe mode - F8 whilst in the BIOS screen as you load the PC, to see if it runs in that mode.


          One of my friends had the same problem when he did a restore, the fix was as marcus said, it were ipodhelper(?) or itunes.exe running with the programs appearing to run if you get my drift.


            Right - looking at the task managert, iTunesHelper.exe is there, 00 CPU, 3,800k mem. usage. Is that significant in some way?


              Ipodhelper is for if you have a Ipod connected to your PC which is used to update the Ipod. You can block it in services Start\Run\services.msc and stop then disable the Ipodservice. Worth a try I guess, you can always reenable it again.


                try reinstalling quicktime, or qtalternative, itunes needs one of the two to work...

                happened to me 1 time


                  For future 'search' reference, the problem was indeed with Quicktime. The solution was to unistall Itunes and Quicktime, then install Quicktime on it's own, followed by ITunes and Quicktime. Works fine now.

