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softmod files on mem card help please

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    softmod files on mem card help please

    I got an xbox2usb cable from play-asia and a usb memory stick that according to some database supposedly works with the xbox.
    However, my xbox refuses to format it to FATX and just tells me it's not working properly....
    So, can anyone help me out by sending me an xbox memory card (which I could either buy or send back to you) or a usb stick that does work with the xbox with the 4.5 softmod launcher and pal splinter cell save game files on it? I could provide you with the files.

    Or should I just buy an Action Replay for ?10 on play-asia?

    questions questions:
    or is there any way I can format my usb stick to fatx on my pc?
    Last edited by charlesr; 01-09-2006, 13:51.

    The Action Replay only works for me with official memory cards, but I got a softmod copied ok using it. Either that or find someone with a modded machine to copy the files around using the Xbox itself (ftp to the Xbox, then Dashboard copy the savefiles to a memory card).

    I could probably sort this out, if you have the softmod laucher stuff. I only have the Enigmah Video Switcher version.


      Thanks. PMd


        oops. deleted


          Have you got a digital camera? Make sure that the flash card is empty first before you plug the camera in cause the Xbox will format it without prompting.


            if your xbox is a 1.6, it won't format the memory stick to fatx.if you can format the stick to fatx and then put it in your xbox it will work.i just formatted it in a lower version xbox and then did it.I dunno, there may be a pc tool that will format it for you.

            btw, watever u do don't use an mp3 player as it will wreck it..found that out to my own loss, lol


              Went with the action replay in the end (only ?10 from the EU site at PlayAsia). The 8mb AR branded card that came with it didn't work, so I used an official xbox card and that worked fine. What a chore. So finally it's all done and it's great. Press the ON button to power on with the mod and Live blocked. Press the EJECT button to power on with the original bios/dash etc for safe Live play (I don't intend to replace the HD).

              So I've tried streaming some vids from the PC and it's superb. And browsing photos on the TV is great too. Upscaling DVD player too woo.

              So my thanks goes out to all the people that posted in this thread.

              Total cost:
              Splinter Cell: ?5
              USBcable that didn't work with my usb stick: ?3
              Action Replay: ?10
              Xbox memory card: ?17
              Total: ?35
              So cheaper than a chip and I've got a memory card which I can now carry my Live account around on.
              Last edited by charlesr; 12-09-2006, 22:18.


                Originally posted by charlesr
                Total cost:
                Splinter Cell: ?5
                USBcable that didn't work with my usb stick: ?3
                Action Replay: ?10
                Xbox memory card: ?17
                Total: ?35
                So cheaper than a chip and I've got a memory card which I can now carry my Live account around on.
                You could have bought a soft-mod kit off ebay which includes splinter cell and a memory card with the soft mod installed. They were selling for around ?15-?20 last time I looked.


                  Yeah, but that was the order I did it in. It was supposed to cost me ?8 for just splinter cell and the usbcable (a database of compatible usb sticks said the cable worked with mine), but that didn't work my next cheapest method was getting an action replay, but then the card that came with it was broken (BLOODY 3RD PARTY MEM CARDS!! DO THEY EVER WORK??). So I would have been better off going for a pack in the end, but I wasn't to know that from the beginning. The xbox mem card was new which was why it was so pricey.

                  I also wanted to ensure I got the latest mod that blocks live on mod and allows original boot for live games.

                  Good news is that if I uninstall the mod, I can easily reinstall it now, so I'm all set.


                    Originally posted by charlesr
                    Yeah, but that was the order I did it in. It was supposed to cost me ?8 for just splinter cell and the usbcable (a database of compatible usb sticks said the cable worked with mine), but that didn't work my next cheapest method was getting an action replay, but then the card that came with it was broken (BLOODY 3RD PARTY MEM CARDS!! DO THEY EVER WORK??). So I would have been better off going for a pack in the end, but I wasn't to know that from the beginning. The xbox mem card was new which was why it was so pricey.

                    I also wanted to ensure I got the latest mod that blocks live on mod and allows original boot for live games.

                    Good news is that if I uninstall the mod, I can easily reinstall it now, so I'm all set.
                    I had a look on ebay and no-one is sellig the kits anymore anyway and as you say, you wouldnt have been able to play on Live with the old mod in the kits.


                      If it only it had worked first time out
                      I've been gagging to do this for ages and each new step I had to wait a few more days for the next thing to turn up heheh.
                      I did however have a small triumph over XP - the reason the usb stick wasn't working might have been because of the partition on it. But removable usb sticks don't allow you to remove their partition (option greyed out), so I "upgraded" the driver for it to a hitachi microdrive (fixed drive) and the "delete partion" became available, allowing me to remove the partition. \o/ (still didn't work but it felt good to triumph over technology!)

