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    Want to get a new 360 game to celebrate end of LLM exams from Play. What is better for the price - the Outfit or Full Auto.

    (And how easy are the achievements ;p)

    Full Auto definately.

    The outfit is the most mind numbingly boring/broken game I have whored points on yet.
    Even Fifa was more fun!
    Full auto is fun in an arcadey kind of way.


      Yeah, its ok, not great, and easy achievements for the most part. Isnt Amped 3 cheap still? Id get that myself.


        That's what I was going to say. The achievements aren't piss-easy, mind.


          Cheers for the quick response guys, got Amped 3 and done all of the achievements apart from Snow God (Gold on all things) and that one will certainly take some doing! Are the points for full auto awarded for online play at all?
          Its a bit unfair if you buy a game months late and can't get the online achievements because no one else is playing it anymore...


            Full Auto and Outfit are the only cheapies he ain't played yet

            The outfit was just painful to play, the deathmatch isn't too bad, tis just battlefield with a smidge of C&C, it just the singleplayer which is painful.

            Originally posted by Blair
            Cheers for the quick response guys, got Amped 3 and done all of the achievements apart from Snow God (Gold on all things) and that one will certainly take some doing! Are the points for full auto awarded for online play at all?
            Its a bit unfair if you buy a game months late and can't get the online achievements because no one else is playing it anymore...
            As I recall there are about 200 points worth of online only acheivements you can get, you just have to rack up X kills to rank up. I couldn't be arsed with t myself
            Last edited by EvilBoris; 04-09-2006, 17:20.


              Boris that is very 1984!! Nice recon skills.
              Think will get Full Auto as it seems like fun. One exam left and then I am done! Very happy, this and Dead Rising on the weekend makes for one happy hung over gamer.

