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UK PSP 2.71 upgrade issue (can no longer playback films)

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    UK PSP 2.71 upgrade issue (can no longer playback films)

    I've just bought Ultimate Ghosts n' Goblins and have had to upgrade my firmware to 2.71 in order to play it. Unfortunatley when I tried to play back the Star Wars video that I had converted a few months ago, it wouldn't play, saying video not supported.

    Is there anything I can do now or have I just got to say goodbye to playing back converted DVDs?

    By the way, the Cars trailer that I downloaded from the film's website still works fine.

    Check your pm's bro


      Pretend I'm stupid! (not hard ) what are pm's?


        Still having problems here - can someone please help?


          Originally posted by Bydo
          Still having problems here - can someone please help?
          cant help with your psp but pm's are Private Messages.


            What firmware were you using before you upgraded? I know that when I went from 2.6 to 2.7x all of my H.264 videos stopped working because of a quirk with the program I was using to encode them and unfortunately the only way to get them working again was to encode them again with an updated version.


              Thanks for all your help guys - NekoFever, do you meen if I upgrade to 2.8 that should hopfully solve the problem?


                Don't honestly know, what program are you using to convert them ?
                pspvideo9 fan here, used it for ages no trouble, it's a bit slow at converting but great quality.


                  Used PSP video 9 to do them early on this year, they only stopped working when I upgraded to 2.71.


                    Don't know then, you'll have to have a look for a newer version of pspvideo9 and prehaps recode them or have a search on for some help.


                      Weird! I've just tried some Futurama episodes that I converted at the same time as the films which don't work, and they play fine!!!

                      This is really pee-ing me off!!!


                        All of the stuff that I had problems with was converted with ffmpegX which is a Mac program. This is the first I've heard of any problems with PSP Video 9.

