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Dell 9200 XP Media Centre

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    Dell 9200 XP Media Centre


    I have just received a new dell 9200. This is my first dell pc and its seems to have some odd configuration. Everytime I boot up the pc I get a box appear as the desktop appears saying Factory Preinstallation within that there are few things that they system ticks the top one says enabling plug & play. Is this a standard thing? The reason I ask is because I change settings on the pc ie screen resolution etc and they seem to be fine but when I reboot they rest back to the original settings.

    One thing I tried to get around this was create another user account in control panel and activate the welcome window but this seems to be completely ignored upon reboot and I end up logged abck in as admin.

    Am I going completely mad here and doing something stupid?

    thanks for your help

    Did you get this sorted?

    I got a new Dell a couple of months ago and while I can't help you with anything techy I can tell you that I don't recall that screen (if it was there it was only the very first time I booted up but I don't remember it).

    I don't have media centre XP though so it doesn't sound like a standard Dell thing at least.

