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Use iMac monitor for playing consoles?

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    Use iMac monitor for playing consoles?


    A friend just got a 20" iMac Core Duo and asked me if theres a way of using that beautiful widescreen monitor for console games. He literally doesn't have a clue about these kinds of things and I don't know about the "Mac scene" I suppose some kind of adapter (USB?) that will provide component/s-video or scart inputs would be what's needed.

    I did a search on google but came up empty so if someone could link me to what i'm looking for, or at least point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    VGA input ? for DC and XBOX 360


      Can't be done I'm afraid. No inputs, only outputs.


        I'm not sure how well it works but Elgato have recently released the EyeTV Hybrid. No component input sadly but s-video works.


          A friend just got a 20" iMac Core Duo and asked me if theres a way of using that beautiful widescreen monitor for console games.
          The only economical option for seeing the game on the screen (without gutting the iMac somehow) is running it through a TV card. And once deinterlacing's been thrown in, I can assure you the results won't be very beautiful (and that's if the video doesn't lag).


            So basically its looking like a no-go then. Thanks anyway fellas.

