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Metriod Prime - Phazon Mines - Combat Training!

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    Metriod Prime - Phazon Mines - Combat Training!

    I'm not going to a guide. I'm not! I'll die first! But I'm having a little trouble and I wonder if you'd help me out!

    I'm at the Mines, I'm 30% item complete, and I've just scanned 50% of the scanning thingys. I'm concerned that this means I'm over halfway through the game (assuming that the scan points are uniform throughout the game) and I'm only kitted up to 60% of the max I could be leaving me weak (about 6/7 tanks of health, 60 missiles, and my last suit upgrade was the gravity one).

    I've just done the bit where you kill the Elite Space Pirate, and I can do that without getting hit... But I'm so weak by the time I get to the elite I've only got one Tank of health left meaning that I usually die in the next enoucter with a pirate anyway.

    I've just started to meet the Pirates with my weapons. I can kill the ones who use Wave Beam easily, I just stun them repeatedly, and I lose minimal health. But it is the ones who use my starting gun. The concussive shot one. There is one bit, a little before you do the puzzle with the rotating spider tracks in the middle of the room. You fight two at once and I lose a lot of health. I lose say 2.5/6 tanks on those guys, and then I'll lose a couple just running about, fighting normal blokes.

    I'm annoyed, I've tried this bit a lot and I just die. I need a save point or something near by. Then I'll be fine. Or maybe another tank of energy, just to give me the extra boost...

    Do you have any tips on where to go? Any energy tanks? Any combat tips. I'm really stuck. I've tried this bit about 4 times now, and I just get slaughtered by wave after wave of enemy. And it is annoying because I have been exlporing my environments and trying to get as many upgrades as I can!

    Please help.


    There is one bit, a little before you do the puzzle with the rotating spider tracks in the middle of the room. You fight two at once and I lose a lot of health.
    Here's a small tip for this bit -

    Originally posted by spoiler
    Charge up a super missile before you enter the room - as soon as you open the door, target one of them & let fly - it should take one down straight away (with a direct hit) - then you only have one more to deal with - keep him targeted, but dodge left & right to avoid his attacks.

    The Phazon Mines are tough - it's where the difficulty level of the game ramps up considerably - just keep plugging away, dodging & weaving & you'll hit a save point soon.
    Hope that helps a bit.


      Great one. I've just done it. Super Missiles are really helpful. Super bombing is cool!

