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Xbox 360 Auto Updates for Games

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    Xbox 360 Auto Updates for Games

    This may well be a stupid question if so I apologise in advance

    I have taken to unplugging my 360 if I am not using it (I am on my third box and second wireless adapter so taking no chances on it overheating or anything) and since I have been doing this I seem to be forever having to auto update games. For instance I played COD2 last night for the first time in a few weeks and it auto updated. I am pretty sure no auto update has been released in the last few weeks so this seems very odd. I have had the same thing happen with table tennis, Kameo and Perfect Dark.

    Anyone else experienced anything like this? or have I just missed news of updates on the above games


    i've had a while off from playing pd0 and cod2 and had the exact same thing mate...

