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Home Cinema Setup mainly for Gaming advice please

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    Home Cinema Setup mainly for Gaming advice please

    This is probably the right section to ask....

    In the next month or two I'm looking to pickup a home cinema setup. 99.9% of the time the TV is just used for the 360, but I still watch the occasional film and the missus will listen to music, so I'm after a good "general" setup.

    I'm looking at ?400 inclusive, possibly a little higher, and would prefer to get something second hand so I'm getting better value for money.

    As I live in a flat, volume doesn't need to be loud and if I get a sub, it'll have to be something reasonably quiet (!!) and discreet enough so the bird doesn't moan too much. I'd like floor standing speakers for the front, or small speakers on stands, and the rears will have to be pretty small so I can mount them in the top corners of the room. The speakers and amp should be silver (black grills) to match the room's decour (again, got to keep the bird pleased!).

    So any advice? 5.1, 6.1 or 7.1? What's best for gaming?




      hi chain
      Ive got a sony davs-550s and its great for gaming.
      The system itself is a little outdated now but I know that they have other newer models in that range.
      Mine has optical in for surround sound,DTS Dolby digital and plays SACD,has a wonderful sound and it comes complete with all the cables etc in one box.
      call of duty is immense,as is battlefield,the sound of the copter buzzin above you is amazing.
      Well worth the hassle i'll never go back to TV sound now,it just would'nt be the same.


        Try Richersounds, they have the Kef 1005 system for ?299, add on an AV receiver and you'll have a kicking games/movie setup.


          For the money you're looking to spend you'd be best off just sticking with 5.1. Any more isn't really worth it unless you're in a particularly big room or have the budget to buy really top equipment, and of course if you have the media to take advantage.

          Regardless, everything is designed to work on older hardware whether you're on a mono TV or a high-end receiver. HD movie formats require Dolby TrueHD which can be up to 8.1 but is compatible with anything that supports Dolby Digital, and apart from the PS3 with 7.1 almost everything else is 5.1. You won't miss out on anything with that setup.


            Thanks a lot guys.

            I'll check out the systems you recommended. 5.1 sounds right, and thanks Neko for clearing up the HD sound source; good to know it's compatible with Dolby Digital, I'm not looking to spend a fortune but future proofing is obviously a concern.

            Thanks again guys


              I'd highly recommend Sony's HT-SS1000 kit. I picked one up for ?215 a while ago now from EmpireDirect and absolutely love it.

              It sounds great for games, has a built in FM/AM tuner, (not that I use it) an auto-calibration microphone (although I got more accurate results with an SPL meter) and a 2:1 HDMI switcher. (doesn't actually decode HDMI audio though, the switching is totally separate)

              Now, it doesn't compare to my ?1500+ stereo setup of course - especially with TV/Music, but for gaming it's all you'll need, and I'd like to consider myself a bit of an audiophile. I was really unsure about getting them because of this, and was looking at the ?1000 KEF Eggs, but figured I should try it first, as so many people I know have Sony 5.1 kits for gaming and highly recommended them.

              Doing direct testing, it paled in comparison to my stereo speakers, obviously, but for games, I don't think you need anything more. The surround effect is great, and works better than the 5.1 kits I've had before.

              They also do an HT-SF1000 kit if you want floorstanders instead of small wall-mounting ones.


                I'm thinking of steering away from all-in-one systems as I do like flexibility and being able to upgrade bits and pieces when possible in the future. That Sony does look nice, and the reviews are excellent, so I will trial it.

                Currently considering the Kef egg speakers, maybe second hand to save a bit, and a Denon amp - looking at the AVR 1906, think that would make a nice combi especially if the amp is second hand as well

                If I do it, going to have to do it all before Gears Of War appears 8)

