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Cheapo TV recommendation/rambling

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    Cheapo TV recommendation/rambling

    Yeah, so my borrowed mini-TV that I'm using at the moment is SCART-less, thus rendering my US PS2 and my GC useless.
    Not too bothered at the moment, cause I've been mostly playing on my new DS, but I guess I should get them working.

    Is there any particularly good cheap TV that anyone can recommend? Or should I just save up for a 360 and hook it up to a monitor? (forsaking my dear old consoles) Bear in mind that I don't have a net connection at home. No interwebs & 360 = bad idea?

    Even better, should I spend the money on crack cocaine, quit my job, live on the streets of Glasgow and eventually die from swallowing whole a bottle of Buckfast?

    Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?


      I know it's a shuddering suggestion, boo, hiss, but you can obviously buy RF leads for the PS2 & Cube for a few quid each.

      Live (and all that comes with it) is half of the attraction of the 360 for me personally, if I didn't have BB probably wouldn't have bought one tbh.

      Otherwise, sugggest you pick up a sub ?100 (21" ?) TV from Argos/Comet etc with a scart socket.


        Oof! The pain! The agony! Plus it's not just that, I've tried an RF lead for the Cube and the picture quality is atrocious (the TV's fault, not the cable, I assume.)

        Thanks for the honest assesment of the 360. I think I'll put it off until a price drop makes it a much more delicious option.

        I'd have broadband already if there was a way to get a land line without a 12 month contract. Pity there's no sort of stand-alone internet connection out there.

        Anyway, thanks for your reply!


          Have a scout on ebay mate. I picked up a 25" telly off ebay a few months back for 30 notes. There's always loads on there as everyone is ditching their CRT's for LCD's. You can narrow the search down on ebay to find one's that are near you.


            Originally posted by Magnakai
            I'd have broadband already if there was a way to get a land line without a 12 month contract. Pity there's no sort of stand-alone internet connection out there.
            Sorry if im missing something here, but ntl:telewest have broadband through cable which does not require any phone/land line at all. Thats what I do and I have no problems with it. Just a thought


              Cheers for the replies guys. eBay's far too obvious for me to think of, and I'll give it a browse next week at work.

              Unfortunately, I can't get cable in my flat, and even if I could, they'd still want a 12 month minimum contract.

