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importing a gameboy player (esp. from dvdbo)

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    importing a gameboy player (esp. from dvdbo)


    i have a jpn/usa switchable japanese gamecube, and i'm thinking of importing a gameboy player for it. however, i have a few questions that i would like answering first, and i hope some of you guys and girls may be able to help me.

    here goes:

    1. will a u.s. player work with my jpn/usa gc, without the need for any freeloader nonesense?

    2. does the player require another power supply, or does it draw it's power from the gc? i need to know because if it does require another power supply then i will need another stepdown too...

    i've noticed that dvd boxoffice are selling the players. the remaining questions are for anyone who may have bought one from them:

    3. does the free shipping still apply for the player? if not, how much shipping did you have to pay?

    4. did you get hit by import tax? if so, how much?

    5. do dvd boxoffice allow you to choose the colour of the player? if so, how do i go about doing this? it wasn't clear from my brief look on the site.

    thanks in advance for any answers offered.

    2) No seperate PSU needed.


      1) it will work just switch the cube to what ever the region the player is eg. us/jap cause of the disc to make it work isn't region free.

      the us players i'm sure are black so if you have another colour cube then a jap one will be better.

      your most likely to get taxed as it wont fit in one of those enevlope things.


        For those interested, GBA player arrived this morning from DVDbo.

        It came in a large box.
        No additional tax or duties to pay.
        Price was 30 quid inc the free shipping.

        You gotta just love online retailing. Long may it continue - unrestricted -


          Originally posted by fireshark
          For those interested, GBA player arrived this morning from DVDbo.

          It came in a large box.
          No additional tax or duties to pay.
          Price was 30 quid inc the free shipping.

          You gotta just love online retailing. Long may it continue - unrestricted -
          Nice one fireshark 8)

          Am i right in thinking you now get a GBA player free with a new GC purchase, seeing as though i'm cubeless at the moment and going to the states in three weeks it makes sence to purchase one me thinks
          Does the GBA games look good on a large tv, say comparable to a Snes ??


            Originally posted by fuzzybee
            ...Does the GBA games look good on a large tv, say comparable to a Snes ??
            The SNES pisses all over the GB Player when playing say, Super Mario World. Even when playing through RGB it looks just a little blurry on games with simple GFX. Nothing major though.

            You can switch refresh rates I think, I'm not too sure because on mine it's in japanese, but you can make the GFX sharper. This sort of messes around with the transparencies though.

            Nothing to put you off buying one I should imagine.

            On an extra note, the sound quality is still pants compared to the SNES.

