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Linking on the forum using Firefox

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    Linking on the forum using Firefox

    Hard one to explain this but; when you want to make a part of your message text a link on the forum, using IE I would highlight the text then click the Insert Hyperlink button. That would then give me the pop up showing the highlighted text, click OK and then the next pop up appears to enter the link into. OK again and you get the code in the message like [URL =www.blah]meh[/ URL] without the spaces.

    Since I've moved to FireFox the pre-population of highlighted text no longer happens. It was a very useful feature when linking to photos in the photography thread as you could highlight the whole image code and then make the pic a link.

    Is it an option somewhere in Fireox, can it be done some other way? How do all you Firefox users do the same thing?


    Highlight the text and use the icon thats above the text box.

    This doesn't appear in quick reply though, only 'Go Advanced'


      I have the same problem I think FF doesn't like this site. I use an IE plugin called 'IE Tab' so just switch over if I want to make a post.
      Last edited by Richard.John; 25-10-2006, 00:58.


        Firefox works fine here for me.

        I've had the odd issue where the buttons don't work but that's only happened a handful of times and a restart of FF always sorts it.

        What version are you using?


          Yep doesn't work for me too actually, but then I never knew it did. Although its not really a huge inconvinence to just click the add url button and type or copy and paste the stuff in manually.
          Last edited by Zanza; 25-10-2006, 11:14.


            Some add blocking extensions stop the pages from working properly.


              Originally posted by Spatial101
              Firefox works fine here for me.

              I've had the odd issue where the buttons don't work but that's only happened a handful of times and a restart of FF always sorts it.

              What version are you using?

              Yosai, what you said in your first post is exactly what I was trying to do and how it works in IE.

              Zanza, it is so much easier when you need to make a picture clickable.

              Peanuts, thanks for the link, will give that a go.


                Originally posted by Peanuts
                I have the same problem I think FF doesn't like this site. I use an IE plugin called 'IE Tab' so just switch over if I want to make a post.

                Thanks again Peanuts, have got that installed now and it works really well.


                  Odd, its working perfectly fine here for me.

                  Might it be worth giving version 2.0 of FF a shot?


                    Have got 2.0 now, still doesn't let me highlight text to fill that box

                    Must be an option somewhere that I'm missing.



                      How does that symbol above show for you? Now I've changed to v2.0 pound signs in other peoples posts are showing as little black question mark symbols.

                      I can type £ on screen but it shows as the funny symbol

                      Edit: now the one typed in the sentence above is a pound sign as it should be, what's going on!!
                      Last edited by Alastair; 26-10-2006, 11:34.


                        The first line is gibberish to me.

                        The line under the smiley also has garbled gibberish in between the words `type` and `on`


                          The gibberish is the pound signs then. All that was on the top line was the symbol.

                          Have noticed in other people's posts now that it appears instead of apostrophes too.

                          Do you get these probs Spatial?

                          I thought FF was meant to be a step up from IE


                            I have had the problem before, but it was a while ago and can't remember what happened (in other words did they sort themselves out like the buttons thing or did I do something).

                            Might be worth going to Tools - Options - Advanced and checking the language is set right?

                            Also trying this line as a test: ?????????

                            edit: that above line is showing up as pound signs for me.


                              Also check if you've got your character coding set right in View - Character Encoding and set it to Western ISO-8859-1

