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3 red lights on 360

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    3 red lights on 360

    Hey guys!

    Earlier this aft I started a game of Condemned and within 2 seconds there was a nasty sound from the TV, the game froze and there were 3 red lights on the ring of light.

    I restarted the machine to a black screen and still with the red lights on the front. I checked the net to see what 3 red lights meant and it`s a hardware faliure. The advice was to unplug all cables and reconnect them up again, when I booted this time it worked no worries.

    I was just wondering if this is a common error and if it is/isn`t, does that mean that my 360 is about to pack in? If so I`ve only had it a few weeks and I`ll take it back.

    Cheers in advance for your advice.

    I had that, and it worked after doing what you did, but then died again


      Sad news, have a read here for some possible help, though to return it is the safest option.


        Cheers lads!

        I`ll take it back this aft to be on the safe side I think.


          Nembot I had that once and shat myself - But it was because the AV lead wasn't fully plugged in at the back so you might be ok !!


            Fair enough, maybe I`ll leave off taking it back for the time being. I`ve only had it a few weeks so if need be later on taking it back still won`t be an issue. Cheers Yosh.


              I switched briefly from VGA lead to Component last night (while 360 was still on) and as Yoshimax says, got 3 lights, was worried for a split second, but all OK in the end, still no excuse for 3 lights if your lead is plugged in OK ...
              Last edited by VR46; 25-10-2006, 11:33.


                No AV cable error is 4 red lights. I would be worried if your Xbox 360 is showing 3 at any time.


                  Your right, just pulled my lead out and checked. Red lights = panic and state of forgetfullness.


                    Sad news..... my 360 passed away today at 9:22am.

                    The three red lights of doom sprung forth from the darkness to claim the life of my 360. After numerous restarts, unpluging and pluging it flatlined. I even tried removing the HDD then rebooting as per Microsofts website but to no avail, it`s now gone to the big heap of knackered 360`s in the sky.

                    Took it back to GameStation who swapped it without any problems and from what the fella was saying I`m not the only one to bring one back.

                    The replacement is so quiet I can`t hear it, it`s great, but It makes an awful sound when I turn it off. If anything happens that`ll be going back too.

