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Son of a #*!^\ Xbox electrocuted me

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    Son of a #*!^\ Xbox electrocuted me

    My Xbox has been dying a slow death for several months. The socket on the power supply has become gradually looser so I had to wedge the power cord into place. It finally gave up last night and I couldn't turn it on at all. I opened it up to have a gander inside. I removed all the stuff to get to the PSU board. Then like an idiot I plugged it in and tinkiered around with the socket. Boom, the bastard shocked me and burnt my finger. I realised this was foolish so I unplugged it from the wall and proceeded to remove the PSU altogether, when I picked it up, boom it shocked me again, worse this time. I was very suprised that this could happen when it's not even plugged in.

    What I'd like to know: is there still the chance it could shock me again even when not plugged in? Also is there any chance I can fix the PSU, I think it's just the socker that's nackered, but I can't be sure. Finally, if I buy a replacement PSU should that fix it or could I have broken the whole thing by shocking myself.

    BTW I don't reckon anyone should tinker around like I did, the shocks were pretty nasty and both burnt and cut my hands in the process. Yep, I suppose I'm a retard.

    Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

    Request the replacement power lead before the console sets on fire


      According to my trusty Xbox modding book it's possible for the larger capacitors in the PSU to give you a shock if they're fully charged (even if the power cord is removed).

      To drain the capicitors it suggests that you just need to press the power or eject button.

      Don't think you should have done any damage to your Xbox though....


        Originally posted by tom-nook
        According to my trusty Xbox modding book it's possible for the larger capacitors in the PSU to give you a shock if they're fully charged (even if the power cord is removed).

        To drain the capicitors it suggests that you just need to press the power or eject button.
        yep, that's the cause. before doing anywork on any electrical equipment unplug it and switch the powerbutton on and off a few times so it's actually without electricity. don't ever work on electric equipment when it's still plugged in but i guess you've learned that lesson now.

