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Upscaling DVD Player Problem

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    Upscaling DVD Player Problem

    I've recently bought a Samsung 32" LCD tv which came with a free Samsung upscaling DVD recorder ( R136 - I think ), now I've connected them via both the supplied HDMI cable & also a 'better' one which I bought seperately but I experience distortion with both cables. It only happens when I am actually upscaling a DVD, it is fine playing at 576P, the audio becomes distorted & scratchy.

    Is there a setting I'm missing, do some DVD's not upscale particularly well ( I've had problems with American Dad S1 & Peep Show S3 ) or is there a problem here?

    Interestingly, American Dad was fine at being upscaled to 720P but complained at 1080i whereas Peep Show didn't like either!

    Is there a setting I'm missing, do some DVD's not upscale particularly well ( I've had problems with American Dad S1 & Peep Show S3 ) or is there a problem here?
    Can you describe the problem you're having?

    As for having problems with two cables, that's worrying. Have you used HD stuff over HDMI before without problems?


      Its the audio which is giving me the problem, it stutters & becomes distorted, seemingly at random. I also get a slight 'noise' when I change options on some DVD menus, which I'm very sure shouldn't be there.

      Last night when I was watching a DVD I experienced the distortion but instead of changing the upscaling option ( I was in 720P ), I just stopped the DVD & then restarted it which cleared the problem & I didn't have any trouble for the rest of the film.

      I'm beginning to think that it could be a speaker problem with the tv rather than the DVD player.


        the samsung upscaling dvd player i have (i think it is the HD860) always produces a bit of 'screen noise' via HDMI, for about the first minute or so. I sent the first player back to, but it even occurs with this one too. The player will some times flash a blue screen if it is turned on before you select the HDMI channel. The picture will also freeze for a few seconds, occasionally, but i've heard this happens on most upscaling players. Few flaws, but decent for ?80 until i pick up a HD-DVD player

