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XBox Live quick question

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    XBox Live quick question

    Had my first go on Live last night, being resoundly stomped on Table Tennis - first game was pretty good speed (don't know where my opponent was), but the second match suffered from some pretty bad lag - it was against a chap in Mexico; would the lag be down to the distance? Is it par for the course or something more sinister?

    My internet connection is 2meg if that helps?

    It was good fun (despite being handed my hat.)

    Yeah most probably the distance. Get yourself a good friends list from this very forum (jimmbob) and you shouldn't have much trouble with either lag, or bloody foreigners!

    Also it's worth noting that Live is a temperamental beast and can just act up for the sake of it. Especially in Live Arcade games.
    Last edited by jimmbob; 10-11-2006, 09:38.


      Thanks matey - have sent you a friend request


        Via the magic of the internet I have accepted the request. That must be one of the best gamertags I've ever read.

