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Netgear WGR614 Cable Router and Nintendo

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    Netgear WGR614 Cable Router and Nintendo

    I recently switched from ADSL to cable (moved) so am looking for a nice Netgear router as the ADSL one I had was just awesome for DS. And I want one in prep for wii!

    Looking at this cable wireless router to plug into my NTL modem.

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    Has anyone got one? Does it flawlessly work with DS online? And I assume if thats the case then wii and xbox 360 wireless won't be a problem?

    Last edited by cutmymilk; 10-11-2006, 23:18.

    you'll be fine with that mate, i'm on NTL and I have the same router


      I'm with Telewest and use this one, which is very similar by the looks of things, but with a faster transfer rate (108Mbps).

      Never tried a DS with it, but it works like a charm with 360 and PSP.

      In any case, get your router from ebuyer as it'll be cheaper than Play. The WGR614 is ?37.04 delivered if you can wait a week on it being delivered.


        Cheers guys, I ordered it from Amazon in the end as I was ordering other things with it. Fiver cheaper than Play as well.

        I won't be connecting a PC with it (yet!) so the speed isnt an issue at all really.


          This doesn't work with Nintendo WiFi. Whilst it connects properly to the service, it won't connect properly to people's games. I tried every possible combination of firewalls/port forwarding/DMZ/static or manual IPs to no avail. Netgear and Nintendo offered no help whatsoever, and eventually I gave up.

          No idea if they've updated the firmware since, but the fact that they always denied the problem existing, despite threads documenting the problems on their own support forums and Nintendo's, suggests they won't have done.

          I'd be interested if people really have got this working properly, because I was resigned to buying a new router whenever Nintendo sort out Wii online.


            I'm pretty sure it does work, I had the same issues with my Netgear DG834G. Wi-Fi uses a lot of ports, as soon as I put it in the DMZ it worked fine.


              Originally posted by ShadowmanUK
              I'm pretty sure it does work, I had the same issues with my Netgear DG834G. Wi-Fi uses a lot of ports, as soon as I put it in the DMZ it worked fine.
              It's not the same as a DG834G. This was a problem specifically with cable routers. It had absolutely nothing to do with ports or firewalls.

              That said, I went and checked the site, and they've got new firmware for it. I have downloaded this, but it didn't seem to make a difference when I tried to connect to a Mario Kart game. And it specifically says now on the NetGear website that it has known issues with Nintendo DS.


                Originally posted by MalevolentPanda
                It's not the same as a DG834G. This was a problem specifically with cable routers. It had absolutely nothing to do with ports or firewalls.

                That said, I went and checked the site, and they've got new firmware for it. I have downloaded this, but it didn't seem to make a difference when I tried to connect to a Mario Kart game. And it specifically says now on the NetGear website that it has known issues with Nintendo DS.
                I know its not the same as the DG834G.

                That router works just fine with the DS. My brother has it... we've linked up with Mario.. Animal Crossing.. you name it.

                I cant see anything on the Netgear website about problems with Ninty Wi-fi with that router.

                But I can see a loooooooooooong listed of 614's on Nintendos site saying it works.

                Which.. it does.. as my brother uses it.



                  It's not on the list of routers that Nintendo have tested.
                  I have been told by Nintendo tech support that they have not tested it.
                  I have tried it repeatedly in every configuration combination possible, with multiple games, and it does not work properly.
                  The firmware pages for the v7 (latest) version here states: 'Known Issues: 1. Nintendo DS will not work for online gaming'
                  The firmware pages for the v6 (my) version here states: 'Known Issues: 1. Nintendo DS online gaming connections might fail.'
                  I'd link you to the threads on NetGear's support forum where a ****load of people (including me) complain about it not working, and are offered no solution, but they seem to have deleted their forums and replaced them with new ones.

                  It always connects to the service fine. It may connect to some people's games properly or occasionally, but, in general, it does not work. I'm not making this up for ****s and giggles. I've spent hours looking into this and trying to resolve it.
                  Last edited by MalevolentPanda; 23-11-2006, 15:44.


                    Well... the DG834G aint listed on that list either but it works.

                    Anyway, I'm not sure which version of the 614 my brother has, or the firmware revision. But it does work I assure you.

                    So.. it looks like some versions of 614 and versions firmware do work. And some.. dont.

                    You can stop sighing now


                      Originally posted by ShadowmanUK
                      Well... the DG834G aint listed on that list either but So.. it looks like some versions of 614 and versions firmware do work. And some.. dont.
                      Yep, with the versions that don't work being those which are currently available.


                        So it FINALLY arrived today in all it's second hand return-product glory. Amazon, you cheeky gits - you can have that right back!

                        Not even going to bother testing it as I'm not keeping it. As it seems a hit and miss solution anyway can anyone tell me which cable router to get other than this? As plug and play as possible, please!!

