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Dodgy wavebird

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    Dodgy wavebird

    I used to love this pad but recently mine has started malfunctioning. It switches on an off repeatedly like the signal is being interupted. The batteries are definately fine. When I'm playing F-zero for instance, it'll be working fine, then the engine on my ship will start to go on and off rapidly and I know I'm in trouble. Anyone have any idea what's wrong? It'll save me hurling the pad accros the room in anger again.

    Sounds like your getting interference, ive had a few of mine do this.

    Try going to another channel, Also try checking that your joypad port isnt dirty as dirty contacts can cause this problem too.

    Just pull out the reciever & insert it a couple of times to clean the contacts.

    Failing all that it might just be your pads borked.


      I get the same problem with mine every now and again. Not enough for it to be a bother though.


        I'm getting a weird problem with one of my two Wavebirds. Like the original poster, I find that the pad seems to lose connection now and then. So if I'm holding down a shoulder button for eg, it'll suddenly have no effect.

        Also, the analog stick seems to register more on one side than another. Say I'm playing Luigi's Mansion, Luigi will run quickly to the right but only walk slowly to the left. I've changed the batteries and changed the RF channel.

        Time to throw it away?


          Originally posted by Jay View Post
          I'm getting a weird problem with one of my two Wavebirds. Like the original poster, I find that the pad seems to lose connection now and then. So if I'm holding down a shoulder button for eg, it'll suddenly have no effect.

          Also, the analog stick seems to register more on one side than another. Say I'm playing Luigi's Mansion, Luigi will run quickly to the right but only walk slowly to the left. I've changed the batteries and changed the RF channel.

          Time to throw it away?
          The first issue sounds alot like interfence - have you tried changing frequencies?

          The second problem sounds like the analogue stick has a slight fault - probably the sensors underneath need cleaning, it shouldnt be too hard to do, and your havent got much to lose.

          I definitely wouldnt throw a possibly faulty Wavebird away. If your feeling particularly generous maybe list it in the 'its for free' thread for the cost of postage? (I know id love one even if it was just to tinker with the wireless circuity to see if I could add it to another consoles controller, like the Dreamcasts)
          Last edited by Link83; 11-10-2008, 22:09.


            I used to have this problem too. It was particularly frustrating as I used to play a lot of Super Monkey Ball 2 with it

            Aside from the obvious things like checking the battery is fully charged/new, I would also suggest removing any mobile phones from the immediate vicinity, or certainly within line of the wavebird and GC - they can interfere with the signal.

            Also try to remove any objects that simply obstruct the wavebird's transmission to your GC. Simply bringing the console out into view if it's obscured can help.

