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XBOX 360 1080P On Sammy LE264R41B

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    XBOX 360 1080P On Sammy LE264R41B

    Am I being overly hopeful to think that this will take a 1080p signal? When I switch the 360 to 1080p the screen kind of looks like its split in half although there is some kind of picture. I'm using component, wuld it work if I inputted the signal via a VGA cable? thanks

    Overly hopeful. 1080i max, over vga you'll just see a black screen.


      Yeah - it's not going to work. I have a friend who sells 1080p televisions for Sony and he told me that at that sort of size it really isn't worth having anything bigger than 720p because 1080p cannot be displayed to its true potential.
      Last edited by egparadigm; 12-11-2006, 10:26.


        ah well, cheers guys


          On the subject of 1080p...I have this panel : LE32R74BDX

          I can't test my 360 because it's not here and I don't have a VGA cable anyway.

          I don't think it does I right? Edit : I'm sure I'm right actually...nevermind.
          Last edited by Jebus; 12-11-2006, 10:32.


            Originally posted by Jebus
            On the subject of 1080p...I have this panel : LE32R74BDX

            I can't test my 360 because it's not here and I don't have a VGA cable anyway.

            I don't think it does I right? Edit : I'm sure I'm right actually...nevermind.
            You can check 1080p with a component lead, it dosen't have to be vga (I have both). With regards to your TV I'm not certain, but, I don't think it does 1080p.


              Originally posted by Jebus
              On the subject of 1080p...I have this panel : LE32R74BDX

              I can't test my 360 because it's not here and I don't have a VGA cable anyway.

              I don't think it does I right? Edit : I'm sure I'm right actually...nevermind.
              Nope, the R7 series won't do 1080p.


                Originally posted by monomaniacpat
                I have a friend who sells 1080p televisions for Sony and he told me that at that sort of size it really isn't worth having anything bigger than 720p because 1080p cannot be displayed to its true potential.
                Sorry to butt in OT, but what size is that, please? I'm kinda idly thinking of a plasma at some point in the future, but don't know much about them as yet.

                42" would be about the right size for my living room - naturally, 1080p sounds grand, but if I'd need a 50" to make that worthwhile then I'd be quite happy with 720p on a 42".

                Unfortunately Google tells me nothing about the LE264R41B.



                  First thing I want to say is that 1080p is vastly overrated. Secondly, other than HD-DVD, everything on the 360 runs in 720p natively - that means if you choose anything other than that, your 360 is scaling, and it's got a terrible scaler built in. (the one in your TV will be better)

                  Thirdly, even if your screen did accept it (I believe the new Toshibas do) your display is 1366x768 native, and would have to downscale anyway - downscaling can actually be good for video content, but it's a very bad thing for games.


                    Screens with 1080 native resolution - 1920x1080 - are few currently, of those even fewer support 1080p input most opting for 1080i.
                    As far as I know the smallest sceen size to natively support 1080i is 37" and for 1080p 42" so the chances of your 26" and 32" Samsungs natively supporting 1080p are extremely minimal as I'm pretty sure even the 40" Samsung are 720p.


                      I tried 1080p on my LE26R41B (just for fun, I didn't expect it to work) and it just comes up with a black screen and a "format not supported" message.

                      But yeah, 1080p is completely unneccessary on most TV sizes. You won't even see much of a benefit until you get into the 55-60" range, and even then 720p still looks excellent. As with most things the picture quality is the key issue, since a good 720p picture will still look better than a poor or average 1080p one.


                        Well, that's not strictly true - I can see every last bit of detail in a 1080p source from 6ft on a 37? LCD (although I preferred to sit back at least 7ft from that size screen) but that's about the limit. My ?720p? native Toshiba 37WLT68 arrives on Wednesday, so it'll be interesting to see what the difference in viewing distance is. (while I may not be able to resolve all of a 1080p signal past 6ft or so, there will be a point where it's somewhere between the two)

                        1080p is vastly overrated though - for film/video content, if your set/player is doing a good job downscaling, the difference is going to be negligible really, and while there are some benefits for use as a monitor, that's about it. I'm sure games will be nicer with it (didn't really get to try any out) but not significantly, and the performance hit is huge compared to the benefit of going above 720p.

