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My Graphics card is borked!!

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    My Graphics card is borked!!

    Well it appears that my old faithful 9800SE AIW has finally bit the big one...

    So it's time for an upgrade.

    Have been looking at an ATI X1600PRO AGP which I can get for about ?80 delivered & was just wondering what you look think & would my 2 year old PC be ok with it?

    Spec is:

    Asus P4 M/Board (Model number unknown)
    P4 3.2Ghz
    512MB Generic Ram
    120GB HDD
    ATX Power Supply

    Now what I need to ask really is will I need to plug the X1600 into my PSU??

    Only I dont think my PSU has the ability to plug in the X1600, so I may have to upgrade that too

    Thanks for any help.


    My 9700pro died in a similar fashion. It's highly likely you will need to connect your PSU to an X1600, however this shouldn't be an issue as the 9800 series of cards also needed connecting to a PSU? You only require one spare molex power connector or (less commonly used) a floppy drive power connector.


      I have an X1600 Pro AGP in my spare machine. Nice card, can't says anything bad about it, noticably better than the 9800 Pro I used to have in there.

      It does have to be connected to the PSU, but it uses one of those small connectors that the floppy drive uses - you should have a spare, but do check.


        Well it arrived today
        All installed & looking lovely

        I never needed to worry about the power issue...I never realised but my 9800SE was actually plugged into the PSU anyway so quick unplug & replace & all is good

        Thanks for the help anyway guys it was appreciated.


