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Gamecube - Zelda TP

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    Gamecube - Zelda TP

    Since there's no way I can afford a Wii this year, and I just know I'll be chomping at the bit for Zelda... d'ya think I should opt for the GC one?

    Do you know if the Wii one has any significant enhancements bar the control system? I'm not going to be using it on an Prog Scan/HD display anyway, so that doesn't matter.

    I'm pretty sure there's no other differences but don't take my word for it.


      Hmmmm...unless Nintendo deliberately crippled the GC version, there shouldn't be any differences bar the obvious exception of the controls. I'm going for the GC version myself, too.


        I was imagining there'd be some sort of graphical enhancement as well. I wouldn't be too surprised if there were extra sections in the Wii version, and that's what I want to avoid, cause then it'll really bother me.
        Well, if anyone finds out, can you please post it in here or something?


          I know for sure that the Wii version will look better and has widescreen support but there should be no other diffrences. Also in the future there could be downloadable content and only the Wii could do that.

          Also you can play on a controller on the Gamecube version so that's why I will probally opt for that.


            The main differneces AFAIK are that the Wii version supports Widescreen, 480p, and is also an exact mirror of the gamecube version - eg. Link is left handed in the Gamecube version (as usual) but in the Wii version he is right handed - even the cutscenes are mirrored. Hope that helps!


              The Cube one doesn't support widescreen? That's rather disappointing at this stage in the game...
              Anyway, thanks for the replies. I've been avoiding reviews, but it's hard to fine solid info without then.


                Surely Link should be whatever hand your Wii is set up to be in your Mii profile. I'm left-handed, although I mostly do with my right hand except write and cook, but I'd prefer if Link were left-handed, like he should be, if I'm left-handed.


                  As a point of interest the GC version is only officially being released on 15/12/06 in the UK and not 8/12/06 as some online retailers are showing. This fits in with the 12/12/06 US release too.

