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Bank Transfer - Safe?

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    Bank Transfer - Safe?

    If i gave someone my bank details, could they take money out of my account or steal my identity (or basically do anything to damage me)?

    What details do i need to give? Is it just name, bank, a/c number and sort code?

    thanks in advance

    You do just need to give those four items of information yes.

    Believe bank transfer's are fairly safe - people can't make a withdrawal in person without proof of ID and couldn't log onto your account online without usernames and passwords.

    Guess it's a trade here ? as long as their feedback is good and your not posting your details on someone-from-[insert country] sure you'll be fine. Don't think anyone here has ever had any problems following a transfer ...

    If your in any doubt, say you'd prefer payment by paypal, cheque etc.


      Originally posted by booper

      What details do i need to give? Is it just name, bank, a/c number and sort code?
      That's all the info you need to give, this is the info freely available on any cheque you might send to people, perfectly safe!


        true, never thought of it in that way.


          Cheers, seems pretty safe.

          Not a trade on here, (never had any problems here), but i'm having some trouble with Paypal, so might not be able to use them for my eBay account anymore.

          Thanks again


            Bank transfer is safe as long as you get the right account number and sort code. The "name" and "bank" aren't used at all in the transfer process and are just stored by the sending bank. If you get the wrong account number and it happens to match an account at the sort code you state, then it will go into that account, no questions asked, even if the Name doesn't match (because there is no check).


              I had the impression that with your address and bank details, someone could take out a loan in your name, however ive done a few bank transfers and do accept them and no problems yet.

              If your worried about stuff like that then get a second bank account if possible, and keep it near-empty and with no overdraft facilities, then you should be pretty much protected.

              It goes without saying, if someones a dodgy ****, dont bank transfer with them :-)

