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Chipping a Dreamcast

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    Chipping a Dreamcast

    Is anyone still doing this? I'd like to play US games on my Hello Kitty DC.

    (bought some Saturn chips from them a couple of years ago)

    Eh, If you can obtain the chip yourself, I can provide you with one of my tutorials.
    (Will be finished this evening, hopefully)
    Last edited by Shinebi; 16-11-2006, 07:23.


      Or just use a DC-X bootdisc. Works perfectly every time and also let's you specify VGA/RGB/Composite.


        Yeah I agree with charlesr.
        DC-X is what I use with my foreign DC games. If your chipping it yourself it'll save all that farting about, plus u wont invalidate the warranty (if u still have 1). Never had any problems with it either.
        Its region free so u can use it with any region DC.


          I concur with both the above - I've used the DC-X regularly and haven't found a US/JAP game yet which didn't work perfectly. It's still easily obtained online too.

          I've also found another specialized use for it too - my JVC TV doesn't support PAL60 through RGB SCART, no idea why but it just doesn't. However it has full NTSC capability.

          Bizarrely this means that although you can play NTSC games perfectly through the same RGB SCART connection you cannot play PAL DC games at 60HZ. The DC-X can be used to trick the TV into thinking the PAL game is NTSC and allows the 60Hz option to be used. Which is nice.


            I modded my DC, and im not great with a Soldering Iron - piece of piss though...


              Chaoticjelly on the forums here modded one for me. The chip was from Rob Webb, just follow the link Shinebi's given you.


                Yeah I can do it, but you can just boot a bootdisc and play.

                Of course the modchip eliminates the need for the disc every time you change game, which is worth it for the money I guess, to save frustration.

                Its easy, neat, fast and cheap.

