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KVM switch for 360 and PC

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    KVM switch for 360 and PC

    Ok basically i am after getting a kvm switch as cash is low at the minute and i dont feel like swicthing wires everytime i change what i am using, anyone know of a good kvm that is manual, and has no ghosting?

    I checked maplin but i couldnt see there good old manual ones

    Well after searching the maplin site i found them hidden away!! Should only cost ?6 now


      I don't know what a KVM switch is but assuming you mean a box that switches VGA signal be warned that the quality will suffer from it. I have one which is a simple manual switchbox which I'm sure doesn't affect the signal itself, however because you're sending the signal through more cable (the length from the box to the TV) it will noticably degrade the picture quality. In fact, I ended up not using the box anymore and going back to swapping cables, as much as it annoys me.

      I'm considering getting a graphics card with 2 DVI out ports and an HDMI switch box instead so I'll be able to use the VGA port for the 360 and the HDMI port for the Oppo DVD player and PC.


        Yeah a kvm switch is just that, as long as you have top quality cables you should only get a very slight and not visible degrade in the image. (Hopefully )

        I managed to find out that as long as you have the official m$ cable and a good high quality cable between the box and the monitor it should be fine!

        I might spend more on the kvm box now though with you saying that to be on the safe side!


          Well it's true the cable I used wasn't top quality, it was about 15 euro's for 1.8 metres though, so it should be reasonable. I was considering getting a better one but I'm not sure it'll help so I'm kind of reluctant to splash out a lot of cash on it. I originally wanted a shorter cable, but it seems 1.5 metres is the shortest cable length available. Maybe a box exist that can amplify the signal?

          The current effect I get using the box is like having vasoline smeared over the screen, when I switched back to plugging the cable directly in the TV I was amazed at the clarity.

