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Toshiba Notebook 5205-S705: NTSC Tuner with UK/AU signal?

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    Toshiba Notebook 5205-S705: NTSC Tuner with UK/AU signal?

    Greetings! Can anyone shed any light on the following?

    I am considering purchasing the Toshiba Satellite 5205-S705 notebook computer. It uses Microsoft XP MCE with an inbuilt >>NTSC<< TV tuner. Together with the inbuilt DVD-burner and PVR (personal video recorder) functionality, this would enable a US user to view and record TV broadcasts on the notebook. My problem is that I live in Australia, which uses the PAL system. I'm unsure how an NTSC Tuner will respond to the Australian broadcast TV signals .... remember, I intend to connect the Australian aerial signal directly to the aerial socket on the NTSC tuner. The PC will handle displaying to the LCD screen without proble I think, but will it a. find the australian channels, b. interpret the signals? I suspect that there may be differences to do with carrier signals etc...?

    PS. I'm aware that the UK uses a different PAL signal from Australia/Singapore/Germany etc... for sound but not picture (i.e. the PAL tuner for non-UK PAL countries will show the picture but not the sound when used in the UK). Is there a similar problem with NTSC tuners used in PAL countries?

    What might happen when I connect my Australian aerial cable to the aerial socket on the Toshiba NTSC tuner? Are PAL and NTSC "already incompatible in the ether" or does thge incompatibility only start when trying to display the signal on the monitor/TV?

    <sigh> so much for globalisation!

    PPS. The Toshiba is a smashing notebook but this model isn't available in Asia or Australia (probably because of the tuner issue...)
