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Yet another Sensor Bar Query: Bellow the TV...

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    Yet another Sensor Bar Query: Bellow the TV...

    Something's been playing on my mind of late and I was wondering if anyone with a Wii could help answer this query....

    My Wii will be located in one of two positions, either in the lounge hooked up to our main family Sony 32" LCD or in my room hooked up to my cheapy but goodie Evesham 32" LCD. Chances are the majority of the time it will be in my room for the longer game sessions but it will spend a decent amount in the lounge to encourage family play and take advantage of the extra space.

    In my room it's easy, the screen panel is thick enough to allow the sensor bar to sit on top of the screen, which seems to be the 'default position'. But as the Sony panel is spectacularly thin at the top (the screen is mounted in a pane of glass, very bling) sticking the sensor bar on top of the screen isn't an option. I was looking through the manual and it recommends that when the bar is on top the front of it is in line with the screen itself. BUT when the bar is below the screen it the manual states...
    The front of the Sensor Bar should be aligned with the front of the surface the TV is sitting on.
    Now, due to it's stand the Sony TV sits about 10" back from the edge of the sideboard it's on top of. Now I'd much rather the bar sits in line with the panel and not the edge of the sideboard to keep things neat. And I'd have thought that all gesture detection needs to keep relative to the screen and not the edge of the sideboard?

    Could anyone with a Wii test this out, with the sensor bar directly under the screen?

    Thanks for your time.

    PS. I've popped a couple of photos in to demonstrate what I'm on about. Used camera phone so the quality kinda sucks.
    Attached Files

    I'm sure a few inches won't make any difference.

    I'm not even worried about my bar sitting 8 foot in front of the screen.... like so...

    The settings seem pretty adaptable so you should be able to have it hanging from the roof with no problems.

    Just remember to calibrate it properly when you first hook it up. I personally think it'd look a little goofy on top of a TV.
    Last edited by dataDave; 27-04-2007, 08:51.


      the problem you may have is if the wii remote goes below the edge of the sideboard, it won't be able to see the sensor bar, because the sensor bar is not at the edge of the surface.

      Do you see?


        Aye. As long as the remote can see the sensor bat at all times I doubt you will have any probs, the main thing is having it central to the screen, I'd imagine.

        From looking at the calibration screens it seems like the dash settings can compensate for the actual distance of the sensor bar placement, whereever you have it.

