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Problem with IE 7

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    Problem with IE 7

    Im having a problem with IE7. I keep getting this blue screen instead of my homepage (

    Ive had a look around on the net, and it seems to be caused by not having a default search engine. However when i try and input one it just wont work. I tried to do it manually, but i get a pop-up box saying "are you sure you are using IE7?"

    Can anyone help me with this?

    Hmm sounds strange. The way to set up a "provider" as they call it is as follows:

    1) Click the arrow next to the magnifying glass icon in the top right corner, click "find more providers..."
    2) Click on a provider (most people just use google), or create your own if it isn't in the list.
    3) A popup should appear, click the "make this my default provider" check box and click the "replace provider" button.

    Or alternatively do it the same way you would in IE6, Tools -> Internet Options -> General (TAB) -> Homepage (INPUT FIELD).

    If thats not working, then I have no idea what could be wrong. I guess a reinstall is required.

    Alternatively, screw it all and try Firefox instead, you know you want to :P


      Seems it was the add blocker in NTL netguard causing the problem, what a suprise

