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Modded Xbox 'HD' question

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    Modded Xbox 'HD' question

    I picked up a component cable for my modded Xbox (which i got modded primarily to enable prog scan), but the results are a little underwhelming on my Toshiba 32WLT68, and i wonder if i'm doing something wrong
    I've enabled 720p in the Microsoft dash, yet even the games that seem to support prog scan look less than sharp. When looking at my settings through Media Centre it recognises that i'm using a 'HDTV cable' and tells me that the screen resolution is 720x480. Could this be why things aren't looking as impressive as i'd hoped, i'm guessing my TV would have to do a lot of upscaling on this image? And is there a way to set my Xbox to a higher resolution etc?
    Thanks in advance

    Very few OG Xbox games support 720p. The only one I can think of is Tony Hawks.

    For an incomplete list check out:

    Under the Xbox folder. Even 480p is a big improvement on 576i, usually.


      Yeah, things aren't looking as good as you'd hoped because your running @480p (720x480). As mentioned, not many games support >480p but for XBMC you might want to bump up your settings to 720p. At least your vids and visualisations will look better.


        Thanks guys. smouty ; how would i go about upping the resolution exactly? I've got 720p and 1080i enabled in both the MS Dashboard and in the settings for Unleash X (though i'm running Evo X as dash by default). Is there a setting in Media Centre i'm missing?


          You can't for games. If its a 480p game (most are) then that is as high as you can run it.

          For XBMC, the dashboards resolution and video playback resolution can be set independently of each other (so you could have 1080i for the dash and 720p for video playback).

          Don't change set the resolution to anything other than default in EvoX or Unleash X as these apps will often conflict with the MS dash settings (you really should abandon these apps all together and use XBMC as your dash).


            Could that be causing the problems, you've enabled 720p and 1080i, so any games that don't support it are being knocked right down to 480i


              Ok, much appreciated all, got XBMC running at 720p now, and set Ms Dash at 480p. Everything's looking much cleaner and crisper, so something must've been conflicting along the way


                glad to hear it - are you happy with the WLT68 now?


                  Originally posted by Shozuki
                  glad to hear it - are you happy with the WLT68 now?
                  Absolutely. the pictre quality through component (XBMC) is fantastic, as is the 360 through Vga and even PS2 through RGB scart favourably compares to my 3 year old Philips Pixel Plus CRT Hope you're as satisfied as i am with my Tosh with your Bravia W


                    hope so too - should be coming at some point next week!

