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Free wiipoints?

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    Free wiipoints?

    I remember reading a while back on some blogs that PAL gamers were getting 2000 wiipoints for the virtual console. However with the launch just over a week away I haven't read about it for a long time.

    Was it all just lies or has anyone seen confirmation?

    all ive heard on free points is there will be some in the classic controller pack


      Originally posted by mr ooops
      all ive heard on free points is there will be some in the classic controller pack
      Only in Japan do you get a 'free' classic controller if you buy the 5000 Wii points retail package.

      Nothing simular announced over here and no free points in the box, all rumours and hear-say.


        got the info from official nintendo magazine page 046 ,

        it even comes with some credit to help start your virtual console collection
        but as you say just a rumour, and wont be the first time a magazine was wrong, would be a pleasent surprise if its true


          Originally posted by mr ooops
          got the info from official nintendo magazine page 046 ,

          but as you say just a rumour, and wont be the first time a magazine was wrong, would be a pleasent surprise if its true
          i wouldnt be suprised if they gave you at least 500 points so you have a use for the Classic controller (if you dont have a wii game that uses it)


            deffo dont get anything free in the usa packaging

