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Mega Drive 1 stereo out mod

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    Mega Drive 1 stereo out mod

    I plan to add a stereo out jack to the back of my MD1. It shouldn't be too hard to route the sound from around the headphone jack somewhere, but what I'd really like to do is bypass the internal amp and get line-level/ unamplified stereo out. I've searched for any info on how to do this, but haven't really come up with anything. Is there anyone here who knows how to do it?

    As you've asked this question, it's safe to assume that you're not sure about the signals the MD has and taking signals anywhere except from the Headphone port could cause damage to the sound chip.

    Best to wire from the headphone port and if you want to fix the volume, then undersolder (or cut a track) from the slider and use a resistor to give a fixed volume.

