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PS3 Power and black/white image

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    PS3 Power and black/white image

    Just received a PS3 from Japan. Couple of things.

    1. I can 100% confirm that it does NOT need a step down transformer. Works fine with a standard kettle lead
    2. The picture is balck and white which I expected since NTSC on a PAL only TV. Any suggestions how to overcome this (without having to buy a new TV). Tried the PS2 NTSC to PAL convertor but still the same. I also have an RGB cable but of course that only gives a green screen- clues or suggestions anyone ??

    This is a wind-up yes ?

    Buy a new TV.

    This sounds very chicken/egg. You knew picture would be screwed on your (presumably) old/portable telly but went ahead and spent ?600+ on a PS3 ?


      RF ftw!!1!!

      Seriously though, you probably need to invest in a new TV. If it doesn't work via RGB, then you've got no hope, sorry.


        Seen as the boys so far have suggested the new telly i thought ide chuck in this

        Depending on the connectors your using and things this may not entirely work on its own you may need to convert it a wee bit

        All in all the signal that eventually gets to your telly probs wont be that high a quality but its maybe a short term solution while you save up for a new telly

        Wasnt 100% sure of what type of connector the ps3 runs on.


          Thanks for the feedback Oblivion I'll take a look at the Maplin product.


            Originally posted by steve1969
            Thanks for the feedback Oblivion I'll take a look at the Maplin product.
            Dont its absolute wank I bought one with my us launch cube and the picture is really **** it strobes constantly.

            You could get like a 28' bush that would be capable of handling the ps3 from tesco for like ?100 thats probably your best bet.


              I find that extraordinary! There was me concerning myself slightly the other week because I only have a 32" SD widescreen to plug my new 360 in via the official RGB SCART cable.

              I mean this to be in no way a dig at you, steve1969, but like Yoshimax I just can't imagine going to the trouble and expense of importing a PS3 if I couldn't at least play to a vaguely acceptable audio-visual standard.

              So yes - get whatever telly you can afford from Asda or somwhere. Widescreen is preferable but inessential, HD the same, but I have expected colour since the Atari 2600!


                No point now wait for the January sales and pick up a Sammy 32" LCD !


                  I hear a lot of people talking about these Sammy 32" LCDs. Are they the bees knees?

                  The only thing is I want to upgrade in size as well as definition when the time comes.
                  Preferably to at least 42" and 1080p when that becomes (to me) affordable...


                    The Sony KDL-40W2000 is a nice bit of kit too. Not bad at ?1500 either!


                      Just had a mental image of Kaz Harai doing keynote speech and spouting...."HD gaming doesn't start until we say or erm..until Steve 1969 gets a new TV ....

                      Not ripping the pish mate, just having a laugh. 14 inch B&W ftw!!


                        I love my sammy 32" the picture on it is superb, wether its 360 output, HD films via the HDMI from my pc, normal freeview pictures, streaming divx etc via hdmi

                        its all good


                          Is there a VGA cable for the PS3? If so you could pick up something like a 19 inch widescreen TFT from PC World for just over ?100.

                          If there isn't a VGA cable for the PS3 I'd personally go for a cheap (but not too cheap) LCD. Unless you're loaded in which case go for a huge and expensive LCD/Plasma Does seem strange to spend so much on a PS3 and not get the best out of it picture wise. If you're not worried about HD just go for a widescreen CRT like others have suggested.
                          Last edited by EJG1980; 29-11-2006, 14:30. Reason: updated my ramblings


                            Yes, I mean I suppose I was happy (and impressed) enough playing Super Mario 64 through composite fuzz (and N64 smear) on 4:3 back in the day, but that was an epoch-defining game.

                            While I'm sure RR7 is excellent fun it hardly redefines gaming in the same way, and as such, it would be ideal to indulge more in the audio visual side of things.

                            That said, Gears of War looks fantastic on my SD 32" CRT via RGB, though I am aware that it could look markedly better still.

