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Controller connection issues

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    Controller connection issues

    I've had my Wii since US launch and had no problems playing in the hotel, just got back and in my house I'm finding that it's quite unhappy playing Zelda. Problems such as telling me to point at the screen when I already am, and very very glitchy sound play back through the speaker.

    I'm further from the screen this time than I was in the hotel (using a PJ) but still relatively close sso can't be a range issue.

    We have quite a few wireless devices in the house but should this be what the problem is? There's no way I can see to manually tweak the Wii controller settings, all you can do is resynch, but that's not fixed it.

    Any similar problems or ideas to fix?

    Chop down the christmas tree.


      you can increase or decrease the sensitivity in the Wii menu. The sounds pretty ****ed up on mine too. The default is to have the loud speaker at full and Im assuming thats knackered it. It was only after it went dodgy I noticed you could access controller settings after you've pressed the home button. You could be right on it being interference though..,


        Tried changing the batteries ?


          Have you calibrated it again in the main Wii menu?


            Originally posted by gibbon
            you can increase or decrease the sensitivity in the Wii menu. The sounds pretty ****ed up on mine too. The default is to have the loud speaker at full and Im assuming thats knackered it. It was only after it went dodgy I noticed you could access controller settings after you've pressed the home button. You could be right on it being interference though..,
            Interesting, I have extra Wiimotes so I'll check if the speaker has blown.

            I did the sensitivity setup thing but didn't make much sense. 1-5 for me all showed two blinking dots, so I couldn't tell if one was supposed to be better than the other.


              Originally posted by Spatial101
              Have you calibrated it again in the main Wii menu?
              Calibrated in the menu? You mean the sensitivity? see above, any advice appreciated.

              I'm assuming it has to be interference though


                Yeah that's it - if it's any comfort every setting for my calibration also showed the dots all the time.

                Have you tried swapping the settings for the sensor bar being above or below the TV set to see if that makes a difference?


                  Yep, tried several variations. Thing is that doesn't explain the sound cutting out so badly as that won't use IR. I doubt the speaker has blown, more that it should stream them and because the connection is dropping all the time thats why they sound so bad. But it's SO bad that I wonder just what it means for me using this console at home. Going to try it on other TVs in other rooms tomorrow.


                    Yep, sorry none of my suggestions would explain the sound thing but it was all I could think of.

                    I'm out of other suggestions I'm afraid, so I think the interference suggestion is probably right.


                      My suggestion was serious about checking/changing the batteries.


                        This is the sort of thing which happens to my bluetooth mouse when its batteries are dying.


                          Interesting, thanks guys. I'm on my second set of batteries already though, and the machine is good about telling you when to change them, so slightly dubious but will give it a go. Buy you a beer if it's right!


                            I changed mine for a fresh set and it made no difference. Although I always see two dots I can definteily tell the difference in the sensitivity. I had it 3on and when I got back home the pointer was bit sticky, knocked up to 4 and now its smooth again


                              You weren't microwaving your tea were you :P

                              If it's the pointer stuff, check for heat sources - apparently strong lights and candles in front of you can causes problems, as if they're hot enough, they emit infra-red.

                              If it's general sensitivity, it could be something interfering with the bluetooth signal. You're looking there for anything putting out something at Bluetooth frequencies, so maybe mobile phones, USB Bluetooth dongles, maybe even something wifi.

                              I'd change the batteries though, if they're not putting out the right voltage, it would probably muller it. That and don't wear lead gloves :P


