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The Wii Blue disc lamp

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    The Wii Blue disc lamp

    Today I bought my Japanese Wii but for some reason the blue glow around the CD slot only lights up when the machine is switched on, then goes off again. I was under the impression that this very cool glow should be on at all times when playing a game. Is there a setting I need to change or something to get it to glow?


    I think everybody expected that the light would be on all the time, but in reality it will not. Now that I think of it, I haven't checked the lighting on my Wii.


      It's lights up to tell you stuff. Like you have a wiiconnect24 message.

      If it makes you feel any better, blue LEDs aren't cool any more and are soooo millenium. Stop looking at lights on your console and play some games


        what a bummer Oh well.......



          Go to your email from the home menu, and add your personal computer email address to your address book. Wait ~1 hour for the email (mine took at least this long) Reply to the email from your computer. In a few minutes, you will have an email waiting for you on your Wii. Don?t read it! As long as it remains new, you have a pretty blue light!
          Taken from elsewhere, no idea if it works


            Originally posted by charlesr
            It's lights up to tell you stuff. Like you have a wiiconnect24 message.

            If it makes you feel any better, blue LEDs aren't cool any more and are soooo millenium. Stop looking at lights on your console and play some games
            yeh i felt blue leds were getting so old and boring after being used to death in pcs but once you get used to the green-ness of the xbox 360 seeing the blue light on the wii makes it look oh so much prettier and cooler.


              Originally posted by toythatkills
              Taken from elsewhere, no idea if it works
              Stooopid question: It won't run the light down will it?

              I suppose it looks nicer with it on (I guess from all the pics early on, it made it seem like it would be on all the time).... but when you're playing it, you're gonna be looking at the screen, not the console.


                Originally posted by toythatkills
                Taken from elsewhere, no idea if it works
                hmm,nice idea but first I'll have to buy the Lan box because you can't use the PC one on it



                  there's a lot of whiners on the US Wii forum over the blue light. I wouldnt be suprised if Nintendo did an update to allow users to adjust the light's behaviour.


                    Originally posted by NecronomiconUK
                    there's a lot of whiners on the US Wii forum over the blue light. I wouldnt be suprised if Nintendo did an update to allow users to adjust the light's behaviour.
                    You'll find theres a lot of whiners everywhere (^_^) who'll whine about anything.

                    The blue light is indeed cool but personally i'd prefer to have it off & only activate when i have a message or theres an update waiting for me.

                    Im sure there will be a mod or something to make it stay on if thats your thing
                    Last edited by importaku; 02-12-2006, 16:52.


                      Originally posted by toythatkills
                      Taken from elsewhere, no idea if it works
                      Just tried it. It does work, but only until you turn the Wii off.

                      Quite neat, though. I'd not actually realized you could email somebody's Wii.


                        Youd think that the panasonic Q's blue lights would inspire then to do teh same on the wii.

                        Ho hum..........



                          I'll never understand the fascination with electronics and coloured LEDs. The last thing I want is a bright distracting light in the corner of my field of vision. You're supposed to be looking at the screen!!!
                          The red standby LED on the PStwo is so feckin' bright I had to tone it down with a OHP pen.


                            Originally posted by PhilG
                            I'll never understand the fascination with electronics and coloured LEDs. The last thing I want is a bright distracting light in the corner of my field of vision. You're supposed to be looking at the screen!!!
                            My sentiments exactly. Won't the light just get annnoying?

                            Plus, I'm sure it does it's little bit towards global warming


                              I'm sure i read something before about being able to change something in the menu, like it blinks off instead of on when you get messages, and just stays on all the time.

