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US or EU Wii?

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    Yes but US VC and Wii games are so much cheaper the star points stuff doesn't really count for much.
    Apart from the VC-titles.. what about shipping and taxes for Wii games?
    I've been using ebay and playasia for my PS2 Import needs, but at the end it hasn't been cheaper after I'd taken the shipping costs (and I've always had to pay a hefty amount of taxes, when ordering something from playasia) into account.
    When it came to second hand games, it even has been more expensive to import.

    Any advice (could you name a good source for us wii games)?


      Originally posted by Ryo Saeba
      Apart from the VC-titles.. what about shipping and taxes for Wii games?
      I've been using ebay and playasia for my PS2 Import needs, but at the end it hasn't been cheaper after I'd taken the shipping costs (and I've always had to pay a hefty amount of taxes, when ordering something from playasia) into account.
      When it came to second hand games, it even has been more expensive to import.

      Any advice (could you name a good source for us wii games)?
      Videogames Plus! That's who most of us use. Customs safe and shipping is only around ?3-4 or so.


        Originally posted by Ryo Saeba
        Apart from the VC-titles.. what about shipping and taxes for Wii games?
        I've been using ebay and playasia for my PS2 Import needs, but at the end it hasn't been cheaper after I'd taken the shipping costs (and I've always had to pay a hefty amount of taxes, when ordering something from playasia) into account.
        When it came to second hand games, it even has been more expensive to import.

        Any advice (could you name a good source for us wii games)?
        If you send Play-Asia an e-mail, asking them to lower the price on the package, they'll do it. Just ask them to lower it with 50% (or more, if they allow it), and you can probably buy anything up to US $60 without having to pay taxes (I dunno what the limit is in the UK as I live in Norway, but it can't be worse than in Norway, where it's 200 NOK, which is about ?17-18.). What's good about Play-Asia is that you can see when things are in stock, and if they are, you'll almost always get it shipped the next day.

        Also, and DVDBoxOffice are great. I know a few people don't have the best to say about DVDBoxOffice, but they're a good option, and sometimes they're cheaper than because they have free shipping world wide on every games (unless it's a big package, then you might have to pay shipping, but then you'll see information about it on the items you choose). But when ordering from DVDBoxOffice, you should only order those games that are in stock, or that are pre-orders, or else you'll sometimes have to wait for weeks, maybe months.


          Originally posted by Ryo Saeba
          Any advice (could you name a good source for us wii games)?

          Once I get my Wii up and running, I'll be buying everything through them. Haven't bought any Wii stuff from them yet, but I've ordered a shedload of GC/PS2/Xbox stuff from them and they're consistently awesome. Also US rather than Canada based which some, me included, see as a plus (Though I'm not sure what the situation is with that and the Wii?).


            Originally posted by Kevvy Metal
            No you cannot use the PAL RGB cable on the USA Wii.

            The USA Wii outputs composite, s-video and component.
            The PAL Wii outputs composite, RGB and component.

            Just the way it goes dude.
            Hi there,

            I've probably missed the answer to this in another thread & will notice it in a moment... but how do you know this, please? Has it been tested & confirmed?

            I didn't think the RGB cables were out in the UK yet, and last I read people who had analysed the US Wii's pin-outs were optimistic of getting RGB from it.



              Originally posted by Number45
              ... I've ordered a shedload of GC/PS2/Xbox stuff from them and they're consistently awesome...
              They look to be good value & have an extensive stock. How's your luck been with customs?



                Originally posted by Strolls
                Hi there,

                I've probably missed the answer to this in another thread & will notice it in a moment... but how do you know this, please? Has it been tested & confirmed?

                I didn't think the RGB cables were out in the UK yet, and last I read people who had analysed the US Wii's pin-outs were optimistic of getting RGB from it.

                Confirmed, unfortunately.


                  Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33

                  Thanks for your reply.
                  * cancels RGB cable pre-order *



                    Originally posted by Strolls
                    They look to be good value & have an extensive stock. How's your luck been with customs?

                    I've never had to pay with them, which is remarkble to be honest because I usually have the worst luck with customs.


                      sod it really wanted RGB support but think i'll just get the ntsc and an official s-video lead after new years until i can afford a better telly in 18 months or so.

                      pal is just rubbish and i refuse to spend ?170 on a PAL console when I could get a better console and postage from america for the same price. i want to download some old games and want them in 60htz so PAL is just a no go-er.


                        Is a US console plus postage really the same price as a UK one?


                          Assuming you don't get hit from customs and that you can source one at retail price (Or close to it), then yes it is. Awesome eh?


                            Originally posted by stainboy
                            Is a US console plus postage really the same price as a UK one?
                            When supply is better in a few months time then yes, possibly even cheaper, but you are going to have to be very lucky to get one cheaper than a UK one at the moment.


                              I may go NTSC then, but I keep forgetting that I'm really in no hurry.


                                found a place where can get one for 170 pounds inc postage, after the new year sometime of course as they'll be sold out for a few weeks. I dont want one right away. still busy with FFXII and i want my student loan installment first.

                                40 pound customs fee ontop of that if i get nicked naturally but thats the price of what, one PAL game? worth it in the long run.
                                Last edited by Billionaire Boy; 12-12-2006, 15:38.

