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Can someone explain Mii's to me?

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    Can someone explain Mii's to me?

    I bought my boy the Wii for Xmas, we made a pair of Mii's for use with Wii Sports. Now if I give somebody the friend code, will they get both me and my son's Mii in their parade? Also if I edit a Mii, will it be edited on my friends' Wii's too? We've got them both set to mingle, but there is another option that doesn't seem to work when you click it (I'll emphasise once I'm at home, and I can see it) and what is that favourite/Crown thing for too? Does the instruction manual fully explain it all? Perhaps I should read it...
    Last edited by J0e Musashi; 12-12-2006, 12:58.
    Kept you waiting, huh?

    If both you and your friends have registered on each-others machines (making their address book entry turn black) you can either pick up and send specific Miis with the Mii Friends button on the Plaza (in which case they appear in your friend's Mii Plaza), OR you can choose to allow Miis to 'mingle' by toggling an option in the Mii editor. If you do this and also activate Travelling in the Mii Parade menu, your miis will randomly visit the Mii Parade on your friend's conoles. The option that doesn't work is probably the one to send Miis to your friends, as it won't let you select it if you aren't conncted to the internet or have no other Wiis in your address book.

    As for editing, I'm pretty sure you have to send them the Mii again to update a friend's version. When you receive a Mii you already had it asks if you want to replace the old Mii with the new one sent to you by the creator. AFAIK this is the only way to update Miis as Miis you already have won't appear on the Mii parade.

    The crown sets the Mii as one of your favourites, which helps you to organise them. When you click the whistle in Mii Plaza, the Miis form into ranks, and you can select to have them form up according to alphabetical order, gender groups etc, or to have your favourites form up seperately from the run-of-the-mill Miis. Trust me, when you've got dozens of them it helps.


      Originally posted by MattyD
      If both you and your friends have registered on each-others machines (making their address book entry turn black) you can either pick up and send specific Miis with the Mii Friends button on the Plaza (in which case they appear in your friend's Mii Plaza), OR you can choose to allow Miis to 'mingle' by toggling an option in the Mii editor. If you do this and also activate Travelling in the Mii Parade menu, your miis will randomly visit the Mii Parade on your friend's conoles. The option that doesn't work is probably the one to send Miis to your friends, as it won't let you select it if you aren't conncted to the internet or have no other Wiis in your address book.

      As for editing, I'm pretty sure you have to send them the Mii again to update a friend's version. When you receive a Mii you already had it asks if you want to replace the old Mii with the new one sent to you by the creator. AFAIK this is the only way to update Miis as Miis you already have won't appear on the Mii parade.

      The crown sets the Mii as one of your favourites, which helps you to organise them. When you click the whistle in Mii Plaza, the Miis form into ranks, and you can select to have them form up according to alphabetical order, gender groups etc, or to have your favourites form up seperately from the run-of-the-mill Miis. Trust me, when you've got dozens of them it helps.
      Thanx much. That's quite a lot to take in. I shall put the laptop next to the TV tonight whilst taking a look at the Mii's in our Wii to make sure I get it right.
      Kept you waiting, huh?


        If the same mii gets sent to your wii (either via message or mingle) then it replaces the original version of it.


          Can you change the colour of your trousers? Everyone on my Wii has **** brown trousers, and everyone else has black or blue bottoms.


            Originally posted by Bada Bing!
            Can you change the colour of your trousers? Everyone on my Wii has **** brown trousers, and everyone else has black or blue bottoms.
            lol mine are red

            EDIT because Ive put mine down as my favorite
            Last edited by johnno15; 12-12-2006, 23:38.

