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Arghh GD scratched!! Can I fix it?

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    Arghh GD scratched!! Can I fix it?

    My little boy managed to get his hands (and teeth) on my copy of GC Burnout 2 - now the thing won't load as it has loads of little scratches all around the edges.

    Is there a way to correct this? Some way of removing a very thin layer of plastic perhaps???

    Pain in the arse as I hadn't quite finished it yet...

    Is there something called cddoctor,I know GC discs are smaller but it might work.If my memory is me right its like a clamp that you put your disc in and it fills slight scratches on the disc.then again I could talking out of my arse


      Do a search in this forum. This has come up before. You might find some useful info.


        You could phone up Nintendo and say you've got a scratched disc, give them a sob story with you little nipper and I'm sure they'll send you a replacement (or at least replace it for a small fee).


          I have a "Disc Doctor" device, which does indeed remove a thin layer of plastic from the disc and resurfaces it. I just dug the device out, and unfortunately, although it works wonders with PS1 games (fixed my Jap Einhander that I bought 2nd hand v scratched), I doubt it would work for a GC disc. The reason being is that the holder where the disc goes only has support at the centre, and at the outermost edge of the CD. As a gamecube disc is a lot smaller than a CD, I don't think the devide would offer any resistance for such a small disc and probably wouldn't work.

          The company that manufacturers these things may do a gamecube specific version of the device though, so it may be worth looking around. They do work (I've fixed 1 game and several music CDs with the contraption.


            They do an adaptor for gamecube discs for use in the normal device.


              cool - cheers for the replies. Any links for this disk doctor thingummy?


                Never found anywhere that sells them online, but high street virgin/hmv will have them.


                  I think they gave the gamecube adaptors away free with a gamecube magazine a couple of months ago


                    i think game sell the game doctor repair things.


                      ok, I'll take a look when I'm next in the uk...


                        I've just got one from someone at work. I'm going to try it out tonight to see if it works. If I forget to post, please PM me to remind me.


                          Right. I tried this last night. It scrubs a tiny layer off the surface and fills in scratches. I had a music CD that has been deleted from sale and is impossible to get hold of, but was scratched to blazes and skipped everywhere, so I thought I would go for it. Do or die etc. It now works perfectly. It leaves a really weird pattern on the CD (radial lines, slightly spiraled) at some angles, but when you look at it straight on, you can't see it, which I guess is why the laser isn't worried, unlike before when it would get deflected by all the scratches.
                          Anyone interested in sending me their damaged games for repair for a few quid a go?


                            Pm sent mate!

                            But, shouldn't this post be in the Buy, Sell & Exchange forum as a service offered? lol

                            How much are these machines anyway?


                              I think they are ?30. I looked on the American site, digitalinnovations, that make the things and there is a link to their online shop but it only ships to the US. have them listed (game doctor), but dont have them in stock. I've emailed them to find out when they will be back in. Can't seem to find them anywhere else online. I'm going to need more supplies of the filling liquid, because it doesn't come with much, so if anyone spots an online UK supplier, let us know. I might end up actually having to go to the shops.... the horror.

