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HDTV for 360 - Around ?450 budget. Any recommends?

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    HDTV for 360 - Around ?450 budget. Any recommends?

    TBH not really wantin one over 26", at a push 32" although for my money I think that's unlikely. if there's a good deal on a 26" a bit less than that that would be , well good.

    Just want a good quality telly to play my 360, wii (when I get it) and my plethora of SCART enabled consoles, (don't have anything older than a Saturn ).

    As many input as possible would be nice though as this telly may last me a couple of years (still on the fence about the ps3, we'll see )

    What's my best bet. Also would like a place where I could up the warranty a bit, possibly to 3 years, on top of the £450 probs

    If you want anything close to a decent experience, I'd recommend the Toshiba WLT66 (26" is around £500 in store and can be price matched with John Lewis for a free 5 year guarantee on top)


      You are unlikely to find an HDTV for £450 new that will play your scart stuff well. Try doubling that. Or keeping your CRT for scart consoles.


        Originally posted by charlesr View Post
        You are unlikely to find an HDTV for ?450 new that will play your scart stuff well. Try doubling that. Or keeping your CRT for scart consoles.
        ?900+ for a HD TV? I don't think he's after a 42" plasma My 32WLT66 handles scart at a satisfactory level. As I said though, ?450 doesn't typically a worthwhile experience make.


          Originally posted by Daragon View Post
          If you want anything close to a decent experience, I'd recommend the Toshiba WLT66 (26" is around £500 in store and can be price matched with John Lewis for a free 5 year guarantee on top)
          Sounds like just the job.

          So are you buying in another store and price matching John Lewis, or buying in John Lewis and price matching another store?

          Soz for being tup.


          Seems like John Lewis online are out of stock at the mo, is this available instore?
          Last edited by bootmonster; 02-01-2007, 14:05.


            26" should be in store at currys for about £500 - think you can only price match against high street store prices and not internet though.


              So you buy it in Curries instore and price match to John Lewis, sorry I'm a bit confused. Is John Lewis instore £500 including the 5 year warranty, is that what you match it against? Just wanna make sure I do it right.


                Have a look here...

                Lots of options for your budget including a pretty good LG set for ?420




                  Are those 32' Tech LCD TV's still on offer in Woolworths , For ?400 I thought you couldn't go wrong
                  This seems ok too


                    i jus brought a TV yesterday! lol!

                    i went to Richer Sounds and was looking to spend £400 tops for a decent 25inch hd tv with scart plugs etc. And came out with a £500 one lol!

                    felt it worth teh stretch of an extra ton cos the guy says its a decent spec TV and not some economy hitachi pap i was eyeing up at £400.

                    Took it home and FF12 looks great on it!

                    i got the Philips 26 inch one, had a lil nose on amazon and its the same price lol! so i didnt get conned! woo!

                    tis not a bad price me thinks, although its me first ever TV so i cant really say wether its a good or bad purchase, but i dying to get home to play on it lol!

                    peep the link below (think it works)

                    Last edited by 112; 02-01-2007, 15:10.


                      Oh by the way, for large electronic goods i prefer to buy from a store or someone local so i can complain and raise hell should it mess up on me! Best done in person cos, it gets yah pojnt accross more!

                      /me grits teeth! Grrr.........



                        My father in law just spent a fortune on a Loewe LCD HDTV. It's lovely in HD, but REALLY REALLY bad at SD via scart. All I'm saying is, just be prepared for a little disappointment in comparison to your CRT for your old consoles.


                          Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                          My father in law just spent a fortune on a Loewe LCD HDTV. It's lovely in HD, but REALLY REALLY bad at SD via scart. All I'm saying is, just be prepared for a little disappointment in comparison to your CRT for your old consoles.
                          Which is why last year I decided to not bother with an LCD/Plasma set & got myself a lovely HD ready CRT instead & saved myself about ?600 in the process

                          I'm still yet to see an LCD/Plasma that gets the PQ I want for SD TV for a reasonable sum of money i.e. in the sub ?800-?1500 bracket.



                            Going to buy this this week, any info on where to get this, the price seems to have gone UP!


                              Can anyone offer an opinion on this one? 32"lcd hdtv £398 delivered

                              Response time is 6.5ms, seems to have all inputs and has a 2 year collect and return warranty. Free delivery too

